Friday, May 16, 2008

4 Tips On Creating Fresh Article Content

Producing articles to create back links and generate traffic has been a long time favorite of most internet marketers. Continuing to generate fresh article content is one of the burdens faced when using this form of marketing. How can you look this problem in the eye and continue to produce what you need? Read on...

The first method in locating fresh topic ideas is by reading articles related to your business to find if anything has been left unanswered. Surf some of the larger article directories like Technorati or Amazines read some of the more recent articles to spot a lack of information. While you are scanning through these articles be sure to write down any pertinent ideas you generate. You may find helpful tips and tricks while you are searching which is just an added bonus.

The second method revolves around answering your own questions to create articles. If you have come across topics of interest that you have questions on then research to find your answer. Once your research is complete, you can create an article sharing what you found. If you can not think of any questions, you may find when you are reading through articles in the first method presented, that questions will arise any how. You will be benefiting yourself from the additional knowledge and chances are you will be answering a question for your readers too.

The third method is to read through your previously written articles. The more you the sharpen your writing skills will become and the more defined your topics will be. If you pull out some of your earliest work you will probably notice that many of the topics are very broad. Generate new articles by narrowing your subjects and answering them more specifically. Readers tend to gravitate toward highly focused content as nine times out of ten they are seeking an answer to a question or concern they have.

The fourth method is based on surveying readers and forums to locate hot topics. If your business has been around for sometime and you have a large email list then send out a note to your readers to see what it is they would like to have answered. If you want to boost your response rate, offer them an incentive to reply such as a discount on your product or service. If your firm is new and does not have this type of list then head to the forums to find ideas.

Forums are generally set up as a form of question and answer sessions for their readers. Review several forums and make a note of themes that your see. Are you finding that readers continue to ask the same questions only to be given vague answers if any? Research the answer and create your article. Later on, you can revisit these forums and write a message letting them know that you have written an article to address the topic. Many forums will not allow you to blatantly place the link in the subject area so put it in your signature. Reread this article any time you bump into writers block and run through each step to continue your article series.

Sarah Paine Seeking to become a master marketer? Discover the guaranteed educational resources to make this a reality at


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