Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Learn to Write an Article Quickly - Within 15 Minutes

If you are trying to promote your website or product through article marketing then you really need to produce lots of articles everyday. In order to get good results you may need to at least produce 10 or more articles everyday.

To do this you need to learn to write an article quickly, not taking more than 10-15 minutes. I will show you a simple technique on how to write an online article within this time frame.

First of all decide on a topic you want to write about. Then note down the important points you wish to cover in your article.

If you have good knowledge about the topic then you can start writing immediately as a lot of ideas might be flowing in your mind on what to write about.

If you are struggling to get sufficient number of ideas then follow this simple procedure - go to the popular article directories like ezinearticle or articledashboard and read 1-3 articles related to your topic. Then you can get enough ideas.

I am not saying that you should copy the other's articles, but rather just go through them to get a few ideas of your own.

Now is the time for action. After you have good number of point written down, look at the clock. Set 10-15 minutes maximum for writing a full article covering all the points you have listed. Start firing away.

The key to success with this method is that you should not think much while writing as this may slow down the process. Just write whatever you can about the listed points.

Do not worry much about spelling, grammar and other mistakes right now. The editing part can come later after your 15 minutes are up. Use this time just for writing.

You should have all your points covered nicely within 15 minutes. Now is the time to fine tune your article making necessary changes etc.

The above technique can be a real time saver if you want to write a lot of articles quickly. Just set aside a time frame and do not think or edit much in that time - it is only for writing and covering the points you have listed earlier.

Then you can submit your article to the top article directories. I maintain a notepad that has a list of article directories along with their pageranks and alexa traffic ranking. Then I can submit them to the top directories. This software can make your article submission work easier by automating it - article submission software

It is better if you make some changes to each article while submitting to different directories. No need to write the whole article again from scratch for each site, just make a few changes as Google seems to be getting very strict with duplicate content right now.

You do not need to try and write outstanding articles, they can just be good enough covering the topic well and being of some value to the readers.

When you learn to write an article quickly using the above procedure, it should not be difficult to write 10, 20 or even more good quality articles each day. Then you can reduce time and efforts of submission by using the above mentioned software.

Article marketing can really work for you if you write lots of them on a consistent basis.

Learn how to get top rankings in Google. Download Free Ebook - Google number one ranking

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