Thursday, May 1, 2008

Article Marketing - How Many Must I Write?

There is a lot of talk about article marketing as an effective strategy to bring traffic to your blog or website for free. However, there is often debate about just how many articles it takes to work.

Here are some suggestions to clear up the confusion.

The more the merrier. This is the simple answer to the quantity question. Article marketing is a numbers game. The more individual articles that you have out there, the more chances you have that someone interested in your niche will find it, read it and click on your link. So if you are able to produce ten thousand articles, you will be doing better than the guy who only submits three in a year.

Christopher Knight, operator of, the largest free article directory on the web, says that just a few articles can bring traffic, but that the real flow starts to be felt when you get to around 250.

However, like all debates there are some provisos to that. It's not just about quantity. Naturally, no two articles are equal. The very fact that an article has been written and submitted does not mean that it will automatically bring a set number of clicks.

The four key factors that determine the effectiveness of any article are :

  • The niche - some niches generate more interest than others. Making money will always do better than slug farming.
  • The length - long, densely worded articles are less likely to be widely distributed than, short, snappy, bulleted pieces.
  • The quality - a well written and relevant article will gain wider distribution and will probably be read more, which in turn will lead to more click throughs.
  • The resource box - a badly written resource box can ruin a good article's chances of bringing traffic.

Finally, when considering how many articles you should write, you have to take into account your ability and the available time. If you can only fit in your writing late at night or at the weekends, then you are better to produce two or three, well targeted, quality articles per week and build your portfolio steadily, than try to create ten, sub standard pieces that will not get picked up. So in conclusion, yes, article marketing is a numbers game, but don't worry if you haven't got an article factory in your basement. A good writer who conforms to the rules can still beat a prolific hack any day.

If you would like to maximise the results of your article writing, internet marketing and self improvement, you're invited right now to subscribe to my free newsletter :

From - Andrew Grant


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