Marketing Plan

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Latest 4 Popular Methods to Excel with Article Marketing

Article marketing has always been used by webmasters for quite sometime and it has remained to be one of the most effective marketing techniques in the internet today. Experts agree that among other traffic-generating strategies, article marketing is one method that is easy to implement, easy to maintain, yet constantly brings impressive results for both webmasters and blog owners.

Here are the latest 4 popular methods to keep in mind in order to excel with articles marketing:

1. Write for your readers. Always keep your potential readers in mind when writing your articles. Consider their needs, wants, preferred writing style, age, profession, level of comprehension, etc. This information can greatly guide you in choosing the information to present, the way to communicate them, and ultimately to better connect to your readers.

2. Write for search engines. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they can be properly indexed. Aside from using keywords and keyphrases all throughout your content, you must also be familiar in using title tags, Meta tags, and anchor texts for link building purposes. In addition, you must also be aware about appropriate keyword density based on the word count of your articles to avoid keyword abuse.

3. Write for article submission sites. Follow the rules set forth by publishers to make sure that your articles will not be rejected. Keep your articles informative, content-rich, and use just the right amount of keywords.

4. Write for your business. Your goal in utilizing article marketing is to ultimately increase your sales potential and profits. Write about topics that are closely related to your products and services so you can subtly promote them to your readers. Also, make your resource box compelling so you can effectively move readers to visit your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Vs Traditional Methods Of Internet Advertising

In this article I would like to compare article marketing with other methods of internet advertising. The main reason for this is that traffic is the lifeblood of your internet business. Without traffic you cannot succeed.

Article marketing is my favourite form of generating traffic to my website. The main reason for this is that it is free. So I do not have to spend any money and whatever I money I make it is complete profit.

However, it is wise to always diversify your strategies. If for some reason one of your strategies is not working then you have a few others that will be and generating income for you.

I am a full time internet marketer so running my business is a very serious thing. If it is not generating money then I will not have money to buy food.

Originally I built my business with free advertising like search engines and article marketing. Now I have started marketing using safelists, co-registration, ppc and email marketing.

Each method takes a lot of work to get it to work. You need to track and test everything so that you maximize your earning. However, once you get one method to work you continually do it to grow your business and focus on the next.

This is the plan of action I suggest that you take. Use article marketing as a strong base. It will get you good search engine rankings and build your credibility as an expert in your specific niche market. Also as your articles become viral you will get traffic from many different sources. As you start making money reinvest a large part of those profits that you are making into paid advertising. So that one day if there is a big algorithm change on search engines you will not go out of business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - The Quick And Easy Way To Make Money Writing Articles

Article Marketing. I'm sure you've heard the term, but do you really know what it is and why you should use it? In a nutshell, article marketing is making money from short 300-500 word essays or articles. It is popular because it is very effective and it is free. The only cost is the time it takes to research and write an article.

What do I need to write about you ask? Most of the time, the articles are written in the form of a review or guide. To be a money making venture, the article has to promote some product or service that you are involved in. This can be an item or service you sell personally through your website or an item or service you sell for someone else. The "someone else" is called an affiliate. An affiliate is a company that pays you money to sell their goods. The money you make is usually in the form a percentage of total sales you make for the company though sometimes it is a flat rate. There are a lot of good affiliate sites out there and probably the best one to start with is Clickbank. represents many hundreds of companies and does a good job helping you to promote their products and services.

Because there are a LOT of companies and even more products, it is pretty easy to find a company selling something you are familiar with. You should always start with something you are familiar with as it makes the research and writing process easier and faster. How do the articles actually make me money you ask? All articles end with a link to your website or an affiliate's website. People who read and like the article will click on the link and purchase the product. Finished articles are submitted to an article distribution website like, or Once published, articles attract readers, some of whom will hopefully become customers. Later, due to the exposure on the websites, your article will start showing up as top results on Google and Yahoo! More people will click your links, buy the product or service, and make you money. To get more customers you can write more articles. Some people write many articles for one product, others write just a few. Your mileage will vary.

Once you've got your first campaign up and running you do the following:

1. Pick yourself a new item to promote

2. Write a few new articles

3. Submit them to a few article sites.

4. Wait for the money to start rolling in.

5. Go to #1

The more articles you write and products you promote, the more money you will make. Do some article research on one or more of the distribution sites. You'll find a ton of articles on article marketing and get a good idea of how a successful article should look.

"Wait!" you say. "This all sounds good but I'm a terrible writer. I can't write articles." Think again. It may seem intimidating, but if you can write a sentence or two, you can write good articles. It's really not that hard and there are some excellent article research and writing tools available to help. There is software that can greatly assist the article creation process. As a matter of fact, the software is so good that I cannot mention it here. Please click HERE to read a comprehensive review of one of those products and watch a movie demonstrating its use.

Article Marketing 101 - The Complete Steps To Getting Started

Article marketing is one of the very best ways that you can market your business. Some time ago I was looking for another way to do this besides search engine optimization. What primarily appealed to me about this method is that it is free and that the leads convert up to ten times better than leads from other sources. In this article I would like to go over the basics that you need to do to succeed with this method.

As a famous sales trainer once said people buy from people that they like, know and trust. This is one of the big challenges that you will face online. People only buy from other people that they trust. So if you are using ppc, ezine advertising or banner advertising your leads may not trust you. Consequently this will make it very difficult for you to monetize your traffic.

However, if you are using articles in your marketing then it is very likely that people would have read several of your articles before clicking through to your web site. This ultimately means that your leads already like what you have to say and this is what increases the chances of them making a purchase from you.

Choose a tightly focused niche market. The narrower the market the greater that your profits will be. Write articles based on this market. Choose a killer title as this is very important to actually get people to read your article. Write the opening and closing paragraphs next as these are the easiest to do first.

Brainstorm ideas for the body and make bullet points containing these. Expand each idea and bullet point to complete a full paragraph. Check your work for spelling and grammatical errors. Finally, submit it to the major directories for massive exposure.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Priceless Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Anyone who wants to advance online must understand that the hottest commodity these days is information. This is one of the crucial elements that any ebusiness owner or webmaster must offer so they can attract online users to their website. One way to do this is by writing and distributing articles to established and highly visited article submission sites.

Here are the 6 priceless secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Read and understand each submission site's terms of service. Every submission site has its own set of rules and regulations. To make sure that your articles won't be rejected, you must be familiar with each publishing site's terms of service first before you submit your articles.

2. Be familiar with universal guidelines. Though article submission sites have different rules and regulations, all of them have basic guidelines that must be met by article writers. These are: articles must not contain inappropriate content or sales pitch, they must be a least 250 words, they must not exceed 3% keyword density, and they must not have broken links.

3. Make your articles useful. If you want your articles to be widely distributed, they must be able to solve a problem that is being faced by your target market or they must communicate information that is useful to your readers.

4. Be consistent not only in submitting your articles on a regular basis but also in producing quality and informative articles.

5. Write a compelling resource box. To increase your clickthrough rate, you must understand the basic of writing a killer box. It must communicate your expertise, the benefit that readers can get once they click on your website's URL, and a powerful call to action.

6. Monitor your progress. Check how often your articles are being clicked by online users to gauge which articles are performing well. You can then identify the articles that do not fare well online and revise them to improve their clickthrough rates.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.