Marketing Plan

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Link To Your Website When Writing Articles

Pointing Article Marketing On The Internet Is A Whole Different Story your website is essential to high rankings in Article Tips Article Marketing engines. However, Article Submission must know how to link to your website properly to get the full benefits of linking. If you Marketing link properly, they could kill your Article Marketing Domination efforts.

Often times, many writers Blogging the same mistakes. They typically try to send someone to their website directly from their article. WithIn the resource box, they provide a raw link with the URL of the website. Below is one of the biggest mistakes that an author can make:

If you enjoy shopping find out how you can get cash back from your online shopping. They typically put their complete URL with "www." here. Big mistake!

Most often, writers will use the same generic resource box in all or their articles, no matter the topic of their writing. Unfortunately, because they use Affiliant Marketing resource box, the wrong way, they get very few benefits from their writing efforts.

Writers must understand that in order to rank high in the search engines for a keyword phrase, the most important factor that will allow them to achieve their goal is having links from external websites using keyword phrases linking to the writer.

If hundreds of websites say that your site is talking about Shoes, even if the keyword shoes is not on your site, search engines will believe the majority. When a searcher enters shoes, search engines will for sure show your website. This has been proven numerous times, you can try Article Writing Tips yourself:

Open and enter the Article Submission query: worst president without the quotes. Have a look at the #1 website (, the text worst president doesnt exist in the page at all!

This tactic is so powerful that if you spent enough efforts into it, you could redirect people looking for Wendys to the Mc Donalds website!

Its VERY EASY to create useful links. Take the example of someone promoting a website about shopping online.

1. The first thing to do, is to use this keyword phrase or some variations of this keyword phrase in the anchor text of your link. If youre not familiar with HTML, it is done like that: This HTML code creates a link like: Anchor Text

2. Then in the resource box, you have to use as many related terms as you can because search engines, especially Google, take the surrounding text into account.

Take a look at the resource box at www.freetrafficbuildingreport for this article, you will see with Article Marketing Directory mean. There are several links to the website using related keyword phrases. The surrounding text is also using related terms, even if they are not links, they will help the search engines and tell them what your website is talking about. Creating such resource boxes when you submit your articles to article directories will increase ten folds the benefits of your links.

Another important point is to use different resource boxes and different anchor texts each Article On International Marketing you submit a new article. Dont waste your writing efforts because of a poor linking strategy! Use this tactic right now and be amazed by the results.

Dornessa Harris is an online mentoring coach and trainer who gives a Free Trafficing Building Report to any entrepreneur who Article Writing more traffic. She has used many marketing techniques and tools to get to the top of the search engines.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 5 Targeted Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

Thousands, if not millions of marketers are growing more and more satisfied with article marketing not only because it delivers great results but also, it is very easy to utilize. Anyone can actually do it even if they don't have the money to spare, as long as they can write quality articles, they will surely succeed in this traffic-generating technique. Here are the latest 5 targeted methods to increase your article marketing:

1. Make sure that your articles are informative. Remember, the only reason why online users will open your article is because they are looking for useful information. To meet this need, fill your articles with data that are relevant to your potential clients.

2. Write articles that are relevant to your products and services. The reason behind this is very obvious. You are writing articles to promote your offerings, thus, articles that are not related to your products will not help you close a sale.

3. Proofread your articles. Before you submit your articles to publishing sites, make sure that they are free from any error. Also, make sure that your ideas are presented in a logical way and your sentences are easy to understand.

4. Pick the best publishing sites. Not all publishing sites are created equal; some are not even indexed by Google! To make sure that your articles get the exposure they need, stick to those publishing sites that have high page ranking and great online traffic like

5. Cross reference your articles. Once you got the attention of an online user, make sure he or she can get an instant access to your other articles. You can include link on your resource box that will take the reader to your other articles for further reading.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Ideas For Online Income Business Success

The most popular place to first start distributing articles is of course to the article directories. Whilst this is a proven method to build back links to your online income business website as well as generate free traffic there are other ways to spread your articles far and wide over the internet.

Be sure, prior to submitting your articles, to include the resource box at the end of your article as this will not only provide another valuable back link to your site but is also a form of free advertising for your online income business. It is also a good idea to put your publishing guidelines in your resource box as well i.e. "You are welcome to publish my article provided you include the resource box with links intact."

Let`s start off by doing a search for the terms e-zines and article publishing websites as you will be sure to find many links on these sites to submit your articles.

Create a free e-book with all your own articles and offer it on your website as a freebie, or give it away to your newsletter sign-ups. You can get even more free advertising by adding your own online income business advert to the e-book as well.

Adding an article directory to your own website will encourage visitors who are looking for free content for their own websites.

Submit your articles to print publications that pay for submissions and earn extra online income by becoming a freelance writer.

Create a free report on internet marketing or online income businesses and include a few of your related articles and give it away as a bonus to those who purchase a product or service from you?

What about considering publishing a book containing all the articles you have written and selling the book from your website?

Gain huge exposure by offering other webmasters the opportunity to get an instant article directory by linking to yours. This could also increase the traffic to your website.

Submit your articles to related online communities, such as newsgroups, forums and email discussion lists as this will attract a huge amount of free advertising to your online income business.

Try searching using your own main keywords and have a look through the authority sites in the top rankings and you may well find an invitation to submit your articles to them. Some of these sites also have their own forum with an article marketing section.

Be sure to advise others that they are welcome to include your articles in their free e-books. This really is free advertising as you don't even need to promote the e-book.

You could also set up a campaign in your auto-responder offering a weekly article to your website visitors and include your online income business email advert with each article.

As you can see there are so many ways to use your articles to build back links and generate free traffic to your online income business and that is what makes it such a worthwhile and successful internet marketing tool.

Cynthia Minnaar is the owner of Subscribe to her Free Online Home Business Ideas Newsletter and learn how to start and build a successful online income business. Have a peek at the free internet income training included in the newsletter subscription. You may publish my article if you include the bio.

Article Marketing Answer - How Many Articles You Need To Write To Become Successful

To tell you the truth, you need to make more than two hundred articles in order to become truly successful with your articles. I suggest that you write at least 10-20 articles everyday. If you don't your going to be left in the dust. This is a fact! Why is that so? Because the article marketer who floods the market the fastest and the most is going to come out on top. There is no escaping that truth.

You have to write countless amounts of articles about the industry that your in in order to become successful in your article marketing. This is called the flooding method, and it is the best working article marketing strategy. The more articles that you write, the more that your articles will be available in your market, which means the more clicks to your website. When you do article marketing, you create an article to get people to click on your URL link. That is why your article is made. It was born to get readers to click on it's link. You can do this more effectively if you write tons of articles.

I don't mean tons as in just 50. I mean hundreds. You have to flood the market with your information filled articles more than anyone else. When you do, you are going to come out on top, and your going to be the one who is getting all the clicks in your market. It's not crazy to think that your article will end up on Google. It's easily possible if you flood your market. It all depends on your determination and dedication. You are not going to see the amazing results that articles can really give you, if you don't write hundreds of articles about your industry. This is a fact that will never ever change.

Looking for new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons! Check out my website at

Article Marketing - Getting Backlinks To Your Website

The whole reason for submitting articles to article directories is to get "backlinks" to whatever site you want boosted up in the search engine results. But you also get immediate traffic from folks following these backlinks directly to your website...Where they will arrive in the perfect mindset to buy your product or affiliate product (if you've done a little keyword research beforehand.)

But the links need to be crafted a certain way. So you need to get this right. They need to be "text links," otherwise known as "anchor text." We'll cover exactly how to do this in a moment.

These backlinks are simply links back to your site from your "author's resource box," like the one at the end of this article. Your author's resource box is where you get to do some self-promotion. Usually, you're not allowed to promote your product or website in the main body of the article. After all, articles are supposed to be just that--articles; otherwise they'd be called advertisements!

Look at the author resource box at the bottom of this article. There's two important things you need to know about the first blue link in the author's resource box:

1. "article marketing" is a "text link," a.k.a. "anchor text" instead of (which is the actual link URL). The search engines, especially the biggest one--Google--reward you for text links and not URLs...

The resource box section of some article directories will "parse" the html code into normal, "readable" text, making it look like the resource "box" you see at the end of this article.

(The html code you need to use to make a text link is covered in the Article Marketing Tutorial section of my website--click the text link in the resource "box" at the end of this article. Creating text links is only a matter of a couple clicks when using your html editor, however, you have to "hand code" the html into the author's resource box.)

2. "article marketing" is a researched keyword phrase and is the title of the webpage that it links to.

If you take a little time to research a keyword phrase to use as your link text, you will be rewarded with many more visitors to your website than if you used anchor text that is not a searched-for keyword phrase.

Tired of writing articles that don't get visitors back to your site? Make sure you're doing the right things by reading the article marketing tutorial in the "How to Make Money Online" section of

In Article Marketing Shorter Is Better!

When trying to do article marketing, you need to know that it's better if your article is shorter rather than longer. No one is going to sit in their chairs all night reading a long article. Nobody wants that. If you want to make a long article, make it an ebook instead, don't make it an article.

Articles tend to show more URL clicks and views when the article is shorter. That's because people actually have enough time to sit down and read a small article rather than a long one. Haven't you ever wondered why longer articles don't get as many clicks? When it's a long article, the reader tends to become bored and decides to skip around, not really understanding what the author is reading, and thus getting mixed messages and finally clicking out of the article.

Longer articles also look less professional. Some might think that they look more professional, but in this case, they're not. Articles that are actually professional are articles that have the most amount of information in the less amount of space. When article writers write long articles, they tend to stray away from their topic or beat around the bush, and this will make your reader irritated and will make them want to click out. So keep your articles short and to the point.

When writing a short article, try to aim from 250-500. The average successful article is from 300-500. But keeping it at 250-500 will be just as good, as long as you have enough valuable information in it. So watch yourself in your word count box when writing an article. Try to make it below 500 or above 300. This will be great practice for you when writing your articles.

Keep your articles short and to the point. Don't think that longer is better. In the case of article marketing, the shorter it is, the better.

Looking for new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons! Check out my website at

Article Marketing - How To Profit From Publishing Online

If you are an author or a professional who has lately been downsized, you can find loads of ways to earn money by doing article marketing without even leaving your house. Sure you might like to write the traditional way - on an assignment given to you by an editor and with a regular salary - but times have really changed.

Lots of people write articles in their home and them sell them online to web pages or print media outlets. Typically, you should market an article before spending time researching, writing, and editing it. An article proposal and sample writing can be used to market the article to ensure there is a buyer before it is finished.

A hot story idea that grabs audience and editors interest is the key to marketing to traditional print media. Find something topical and timely. Every day there are news stories, breaking trend stories, personal experiences and more, that provide marketable articles. Check the news web sites and portals for the latest items.

The internet also provides a new venue for article marketing. There are several services seeking articles from writers. These services often make money from advertising messages that are associated with the articles. These articles need topics that are of interest to potential web researchers and contain key words that the web searchers are likely to use to locate information. "How-to" articles, holiday themes, guides for beginners, and reviews, are staples of this type of writing.

After you have started your own web log, look into joining an ad affiliate service. Such a company places ads on your page and pays you for the number of unique viewers. If you are an expert in some hobby such as coins, stamps or records, you will have a built-in audience.

Your personal life and work experience may be what gives you that edge to deliver unique content in your articles. With the internet being the first choice of many seeking information for things as varied as a new handbag to news to travel, a well-researched article can provide just what they are looking for. Perhaps your point of view, sense of humor or expertise is exactly what will put you ahead of the game and article marketing will be a cinch for you.

Article marketing is a perfect job weather you are retired labor worker or a writer. This new and revolutionary business is perfect for anyone and everyone. It is simple and easy to do, the main thing to keep your mind one is to have unique articles. This will ensure that you gain your readers interest and entertain them. Furthermore to keep their attention you must have unique content that the readers have not yet read or seen. It is simply and easy to do, this is a great job opportunity for anyone and everyone looking to make money the easy way!

Article Marketing - How Many Must I Write?

There is a lot of talk about article marketing as an effective strategy to bring traffic to your blog or website for free. However, there is often debate about just how many articles it takes to work.

Here are some suggestions to clear up the confusion.

The more the merrier. This is the simple answer to the quantity question. Article marketing is a numbers game. The more individual articles that you have out there, the more chances you have that someone interested in your niche will find it, read it and click on your link. So if you are able to produce ten thousand articles, you will be doing better than the guy who only submits three in a year.

Christopher Knight, operator of, the largest free article directory on the web, says that just a few articles can bring traffic, but that the real flow starts to be felt when you get to around 250.

However, like all debates there are some provisos to that. It's not just about quantity. Naturally, no two articles are equal. The very fact that an article has been written and submitted does not mean that it will automatically bring a set number of clicks.

The four key factors that determine the effectiveness of any article are :

  • The niche - some niches generate more interest than others. Making money will always do better than slug farming.
  • The length - long, densely worded articles are less likely to be widely distributed than, short, snappy, bulleted pieces.
  • The quality - a well written and relevant article will gain wider distribution and will probably be read more, which in turn will lead to more click throughs.
  • The resource box - a badly written resource box can ruin a good article's chances of bringing traffic.

Finally, when considering how many articles you should write, you have to take into account your ability and the available time. If you can only fit in your writing late at night or at the weekends, then you are better to produce two or three, well targeted, quality articles per week and build your portfolio steadily, than try to create ten, sub standard pieces that will not get picked up. So in conclusion, yes, article marketing is a numbers game, but don't worry if you haven't got an article factory in your basement. A good writer who conforms to the rules can still beat a prolific hack any day.

If you would like to maximise the results of your article writing, internet marketing and self improvement, you're invited right now to subscribe to my free newsletter :

From - Andrew Grant

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Fresh Secrets to Improve Your Article Marketing

If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is dominating the World Wide Web. Millions of webmasters from all sides of the world are using this technique to either popularize their website or promote their products and services.

As more and more people are taking advantage of this impressive marketing method, the competition in getting the attention of online users has grown stiffer. As a marketer, you must device mechanisms on how you can constantly improve your article marketing strategies so your articles will stand out above the rest.

Here are the 3 fresh secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Titles. The competition begins when online users search for your targeted keywords. When they search content using search engines, they will be presented with numerous articles that are related to the keywords they have keyed in. To give your articles an edge, you must give them titles that are keyword-rich. This will help them get better placement on search page results. However, it not enough that your titles are keyword-rich, they must also be appealing so online users will be enticed to read your articles. Consider your titles as baits that must attract online users at first glance. Let them know what is in store for them when they read your content.

2. Content. Once you have successfully grabbed the attention of online users through your titles, learn how to sustain that attention by making your articles content-rich. Provide the information that your readers are looking for so they will be glued on your article. Keep your content short, concise, and direct to the point by presenting the most important information upfront.

3. Resource box. This is the element that you would like to focus on if you would like to improve your conversion rate. Make it powerful and compelling so it can effectively move your readers to click on your website's URL.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.