Marketing Plan

Friday, May 16, 2008

Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 First Secrets to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has earned the nods of millions of webmasters. However, there are still quite a few who do not fully understand the process and particularly concern about duplication of content that may result from submitting the same article to various publishing sites. Some webmasters are wary as they do not wish to be penalized by major search engines particularly by Google.

In this article I will discuss the first 5 secrets to supercharge your article marketing by using article as your website content and article marketing material without worrying about content duplication and penalties from search engines.

1. Use only original articles on your website. You are the only one who have control over your webpage, so you must be particularly careful on the content that you will put in it. To avoid duplication, make sure that your website content is fresh, unique, and all original. By doing so, you can please search engines and you will avoid penalties for content duplication.

2. When you decide to do article marketing, make sure that you post your article on your website first. This is to alert the search engines that your content is original and cannot be found elsewhere. Submit the articles to publishing sites after 5-7 days, giving enough time for search engines to acknowledge your content on your website.

3. When you are ready to submit to publishing sites, prioritize the best, most popular article submission sites. These sites are constantly searched by webmasters and publishers so they can get articles that will be republished.

4. Once done with the major publishing sites, you can then post your articles to other not-so popular article submission sites, blogs, forums, and social networking sites.

5. To better position yourself as a great source of information, make sure your consistently write and submit articles on a regular basis.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Submission Sites That Can Destroy Your Business

Using the right article submission sites can make the difference between success and failure of your business. Particularly if you are like me and use article marketing for the bulk of your marketing efforts. In this case, it is probably the single most important factor in achieving success.

Using my website stat counter, I check my article statistics on a regular basis. I want to know which article submission sites are sending me traffic and which ones are not. After I add a new directory to my list, I check my statistics very thoroughly. If the new site is not sending me traffic after a month, I delete them from my list.

This is extremely important. Early in my article marketing career, I did not check my statistics. And, in a number of cases, I got little or no traffic from many of these sites. However, because I was not aware, I continued to submit to these non-performing article submission sites.

I was very fortunate that I began to check my stats when I did. Initially, I submitted to 150 article submission sites on a daily basis. As you can imagine, it was very time consuming, even though I was using submission software. After I began to check my statistics, I was able to delete 90 article submission sites from my daily list with no loss of business.

90 sites are an awful lot. What about the people who submitted to just 40 or 50 of those non-performing sites and no others? I suppose that those are the people who say that article marketing does not work. To ensure the success of your Internet business, make sure that you regularly check your site statistics. Make sure that you are getting traffic from your each of your article submission sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free Internet marketing book entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day

Great Article Submission Sites

Article Submission Software

Productive Article Marketing - Discover 3 High Powered Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Whether you are promoting products and services to your website, or you simply want to establish yourself as an expert on your field, you need online users to visit your website. It's because there is the likelihood of closing a sale when you have more visitors on your site. Thus, you a need a strong and effective marketing strategy to give your website the exposure it needs so it can easily be accessed. Among the traffic-generating tools being used today, article marketing remains supreme. It's because it lets you showcase your knowledge by discussing topics that you are an expert on. In addition, its a great way to satisfy your reader's hunger for information. Here are the 3 high powered secrets to multiple your article marketing:

1. Produce well-written articles. The quality of your articles determines the success of your marketing campaign. So make sure that your articles are well-crafted, grammatically sound, free from spelling errors, flow well, and most importantly, factually correct.

2. Focus on your topic. Make sure that all your information are geared toward explaining your central topic. It would help your marketing strategy better if your topic is relevant to your offerings so you can persuade online users to visit your site or your sales page. One great way to do this is presenting problems being faced by your target market, and then present your products as solution.

3. Hire a ghostwriter. In article marketing, the more articles you submit, the better. Its because you get much more back links to your site and provide much more information to your readers. But writing 5-10 articles a day can be tedious. It will not allow you to do other marketing campaigns to better drive traffic to your site. To make this possible, I suggest that you hire a ghostwriter who can produce equally great articles. This will help you speed up the process of getting traffic to you site and at the same time establish your self as an expert.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How To Get Cheap Website Traffic - The Bum Marketing Method Explained

Let's face it, you need to get traffic to your website or you will never make a dime from it. The only problem is that most new marketers have no idea how to get cheap website traffic and they also don't have a very large budget. This can make it a bit difficult to get the traffic you need, but not impossible. The bum marketing method is a great way to get not just cheap, but free website traffic. Read on to discover the bum marketing method.

Bum Marketing was created by Travis Sago and is a way that people are making lots of money without spending a single dime. The bum method includes writing article for traffic and turning that traffic into sales. The basic ideas behind bum marketing is to write your articles around a specific keyword phrase so that you can get listed on the search engines. Then, you will get traffic from the search engines and be able to create small traffic machines.

The keyword phrase you target needs to be one that people are using to search and needs to have little competition. This gives you the best chance to get listed on Google and other search engines. The advantage of this is that if you had a large amount of articles out there you could be getting a large amount of cheap website traffic. Cheap meaning that all the traffic costs you is some of your time to write the articles with the bum method.

Imagine if you wrote just one article each day for a year. You would have 365 little traffic machines creating a flood of traffic to your websites. Even if you only got 1 visitor a week from each article you would be getting 365 visits a week. If you convert one out of every 50 into a sale, then you would get about one sale each day. If each sale made you a $30 commission, then you would have created a lasting $210 income each week. Now imagine if you wrote 5 articles a day.

Discover how to create a flood of cheap website traffic with the bum marketing method. Find out the secrets of writing articles faster and better right here:

An Instant Way To Build A Massively Profitable Opt-In List

As the experts timelessly say, "The Money Is in the List". And so you begin your journey to build one yourself and hope to find the promised wealth but after months of trying, you realised that your opt-in list do not generate enough profits for you.

Not only are you not making money, you are turning your efforts into a loss as well. Perhaps you have engaged writers, spent on a third party autoresponder service, paid for advertising and so on. You still cannot seem to get your subscribers enough to make you profitable and this could go on for months on end.

What seems to be the problem then? Why is it not working for you? Why aren't your subscribers buying what you recommend them to? How do you revive your unprofitable list?

Here is an instant way to build a massively profitable opt-in list and it works even if you have yet to start one or about to give up on building one.

You need to gain your customers confidence in you and your products. When starting a list or newsletter, your subscribers are new to you and it takes time for them to start seeing you as an expert or believe whatever you have to say.

Register to a few forums in your niche try to find out what the forum members want and need and target them. Be a contributing member and give away proficient advices and recommend good stuff to fellow members.

When you feel that you have contributed enough, place your squeeze page link under your forum signature to start gaining subscribers who have grown to trust you. Make friends with some of the forum users and ask them to join your list. Create awareness about your site with a good signature form to attract others to click on your link.

Once other forum members have started to know and trust you, they will want to know more about you and buy from you.

This way, you will be not only be building an opt-in list of tire kickers but will own one that will respond to your recommendations and be massively profitable for you.

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You may reprint or distribute this article as long as you leave the content, the links and the resource box intact.

Article Marketing - 4 High Impact Steps to Explode Your Article Marketing

While there are various ways to generate website traffic, most webmasters are focusing their efforts on article marketing as it is considered the most uncomplicated traffic-generating technique, yet it is the most powerful in terms of augmenting the number of online visitors and pulling up the search engine ranking.

1. Be familiar with the terms of different publishing sites. There are hundreds of article submission sites in the internet today and all of them have unique set of rules and regulations. Before you sink your teeth into this technique, make sure that you understand each publishing site's terms to keep your articles from being rejected.

2. Make your articles search-engine friendly. Your articles must be optimized so they can easily be found when your potential audience search for your content. It is important that you write articles around keyword and key phrases that are being searched for if you want your articles to be widely read.

3. Your articles must be reader-friendly. To increase your readership, it is crucial that you have the ability to provide your readers with useful, interesting content. By doing so, you will not only please your readers but you will also increase the chances of your articles being republished and widely distributed online.

4. Make sure that your articles are original. One of the reasons why articles are being rejected by publishing sites is because of duplicate content. To save you from revising and re-writing your articles, make sure that they not copied from other sites.

Exploding your article marketing campaign is easy. As long as your articles are publisher-friendly, search-engine-friendly, and reader-friendly, you can be assured that your click through rate will soar high.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Marketing On The Internet - The 5 Fundamentals To Successful Marketing Campaigns

Marketing on the internet can be as tricky as marketing in real life. In fact, with the competition in the virtual world being much more than what a brick and mortar enterprise has to face, marketing on the internet has to be extremely efficient and powerful in order to give the desired results. Some internet marketing tips that will help make your internet marketing campaign better are:

Identify Your Target Audience: In order to make your marketing plan succeed, you first have to identify your target customer. Many internet businesses end up promoting to all and sundry instead of putting their message across only to people who actually have a need for their products and services. Once you know whom you want to reach out to, select the right medium for advertising. For example, if you want to sell music CDs, then putting your ads on music related web sites is much better than advertising on free e-mail sites.

Trail Your Customer: Research has shown that a potential customer might touch your web site almost seven times before making a purchase. Therefore, if you can manage to make visitors to your site register with you and accept your promotional campaigns, your chances of staying in their minds when they make a purchase are higher than if they have to keep locating you themselves. Keep your potential customers posted with useful information, attractive offers and campaigns and you definitely push your chances of making a sale higher.

Give Your Customer Security: When it comes to making purchases, the internet is still a tricky medium for the consumer. This is because there are too many choices available with too little guarantee. In order to encourage your customer to avail of your products and services, you should try to minimize the risk for the customer by giving money-back offers or warranties for your products. Your customer will be more inclined to buy if he feels secure in doing business with you.

Make A Great Offer: Another thing that can majorly help you in your marketing campaign is making very attractive offers to your customers at the beginning. If you know that your product is good, you can definitely try offering to sell it at an irresistible price or offer something of value free along with it. While you might suffer a loss the first time, your customer may come back to you for future purchases if your product or service lives up to expectations. This might hurt when you think in the short term, but it can be quite profitable when you calculate the life time value of a customer.

Keep A Report Card: Tracking your progress with every offer that you make is extremely important in order to know if your campaign is succeeding or not. Make sure that you have the required software to track your number of hits, conversions, bill value per sale and the profit or loss incurred during the campaign. This will not only let you know whether your campaign was successful or not, it will also help in identifying the weak spots of your campaign.

Peter Milazzo has been involved with sales and marketing for over 25 years. He was the top sales person for a major U.S. corporation for many years and is now a successful entrepreneur.If you would like to discover hundreds of proven money making strategies for your Internet business go to

Advanced SEO Secrets That Will Create An Instant Avalanche Of Free Targeted Traffic

Search engine optimization remains one of the best ways that you can get free targeted traffic to your website. Usually over 40 percent of people first search on search engines when they are looking for something.

Consequently, this means that you will get very hungry and targeted visitors who are ready to buy your products that you offer on your website. Another advantage of this is that natural listings convert much better than PPC adverts. So if you have not yet achieved the results that you are looking for from PPC I suggest that you spend more time investing in getting organic search engine listings to your website.

The very first step is to do keyword research using popular tools like Keyword Discovery or Wordtracker. This will help you to find high traffic keywords with very little competition. You then will build your content by optimizing for these keywords. Include them once in your title tags and at least once in your body. Also make sure that the rest of your article relates to this. With search engines using latent semantic indexing these days you can get better results by using silo structures.

However, the optimized content on your website accounts for only about ten percent of your search engine results. The main reason that you will get good rankings is that you need a lot of quality one way links pointing to your website.

There are many ways that you can achieve this. First of all build a quality website that people will naturally want to link to. Submit your site to the quality directories like Yahoo and Open Directory. Write articles and submit them to the major directories including a link to your website in your resource box. Post frequently on forums including your signature. Finally, do frequent press releases on major press release sites like Prleap.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Great SEO Tips To Keep In Mind

Perhaps you have just created a web page and you have found that it is not creating enough hits that you thought it would have created by now. This may be because you are not using enough SEO scripts on your web page.

When you using Search Engine Optimization you will want to have about 5% of 250 words in your article focused on the keyword. The keyword would be what you are wanting to search engine to find on your website. You will have to find the time to calculate how much keyword density is used throughout your site, you can do this easily by finding a keyword density calculator, or maybe you could do this by looks.

If you are not able to include the exact phrase in part of your text you will at least want to try and aim to get the word close to what your keyword is. Your keywords will not be picked up at all if you dont at least aim close to it. Try not to bury your keyword text at the bottom of your page as well, always try to include it in the top and also, when you are using the keyword try not to use it TOO many times in your text, this can create a negative effect from what you are looking for.

Keywords are the main source when it comes to the text on your web page being found more often in a website. If you are looking for your web page counter to rack up in hits then you may want to try SEO and put a lot of those keywords on your page. Also remember that when you are focusing on your SEO you may be taking the time away from your regular web page usability, so watch out and keep your web page up to date as well.

Written by Ross Jonson. Find the latest information on SEO as well as a Web Design Agency.

Strategies To Market Your Books

Good books need good marketing strategies. Writing a good book is not the end of the line for an author. Unless an author has the support of a team of marketers, he will have to involve himself in all the activities of marketing to sell the book, in addition to writing it. Often books that are well written go unnoticed, if they have not been marketed successfully. The successful author often has to take a very active role in promoting his books. Marketing not only involves letting people know about your book, but also getting them to want to buy the book. Listed below are a few strategies that various authors use and benefit from, for marketing their books.

Use Bookstores and Libraries: It is a very basic idea to head down to a local bookstore and request them to stock your book. You could even ask them if you could sign a few books at the store. If possible offer them discounts. The same policy can be followed at libraries. You may even give away a few books free to the libraries.

Online Marketing: You could use the latest technology, Internet, to market your book. The best option is to design a website of your own that will be a part of your online marketing strategy. Your online marketing strategy can include writing an article or book excerpt in content article directories, online discussion on the topic of your book, various quizzes for which you could keep your books as gifts, polls, volunteer for online interviews, and the most important - request online reviews. Many people and bloggers would be interested to express their opinion about your book. Online newsletters are also good tools to create awareness about your book.

Communities on the Net: You can join online communities and groups like Yahoo, MSN and Author's Den, where you would find like-minded people. You should make your presence felt in such community discussions so that others would take interest in your books. Once you post your say, do not forget your signature. You could also identify few bloggers on the Internet interested in your subject. Send them your book as a gift. If they like it they may even mention them in their blogs. You may even request them to blog about the book.

Use press releases: Research your market. You could design a press release and send it to editors of various newspapers and magazines.

Use Flyers: You can have flyers distributed at locations such as libraries, bookshops, conventions etc.

Use radio and TV: Radio interviews are an important part of media strategy. They allow you to promote your book to millions of listeners and viewers across the country. TV can also provide you with good exposure. You only need to be presentable and make an impact on the mind of the readers in the short span of time that you get.

There are many more strategies that you may follow like selling at seminars, conferences, getting the editors to review your books, conducting your own workshop or seminar and so on.

Every writer has to build up his own marketing strategy. Personal involvement in marketing strategy is a major factor to push sales.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant about books. When shopping for books, we recommend you shop only at the best bookstores for used books, autographed books, and vedic books.

4 Tips On Creating Fresh Article Content

Producing articles to create back links and generate traffic has been a long time favorite of most internet marketers. Continuing to generate fresh article content is one of the burdens faced when using this form of marketing. How can you look this problem in the eye and continue to produce what you need? Read on...

The first method in locating fresh topic ideas is by reading articles related to your business to find if anything has been left unanswered. Surf some of the larger article directories like Technorati or Amazines read some of the more recent articles to spot a lack of information. While you are scanning through these articles be sure to write down any pertinent ideas you generate. You may find helpful tips and tricks while you are searching which is just an added bonus.

The second method revolves around answering your own questions to create articles. If you have come across topics of interest that you have questions on then research to find your answer. Once your research is complete, you can create an article sharing what you found. If you can not think of any questions, you may find when you are reading through articles in the first method presented, that questions will arise any how. You will be benefiting yourself from the additional knowledge and chances are you will be answering a question for your readers too.

The third method is to read through your previously written articles. The more you the sharpen your writing skills will become and the more defined your topics will be. If you pull out some of your earliest work you will probably notice that many of the topics are very broad. Generate new articles by narrowing your subjects and answering them more specifically. Readers tend to gravitate toward highly focused content as nine times out of ten they are seeking an answer to a question or concern they have.

The fourth method is based on surveying readers and forums to locate hot topics. If your business has been around for sometime and you have a large email list then send out a note to your readers to see what it is they would like to have answered. If you want to boost your response rate, offer them an incentive to reply such as a discount on your product or service. If your firm is new and does not have this type of list then head to the forums to find ideas.

Forums are generally set up as a form of question and answer sessions for their readers. Review several forums and make a note of themes that your see. Are you finding that readers continue to ask the same questions only to be given vague answers if any? Research the answer and create your article. Later on, you can revisit these forums and write a message letting them know that you have written an article to address the topic. Many forums will not allow you to blatantly place the link in the subject area so put it in your signature. Reread this article any time you bump into writers block and run through each step to continue your article series.

Sarah Paine Seeking to become a master marketer? Discover the guaranteed educational resources to make this a reality at

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Reliable Methods to Grow Your Article Marketing

It is every webmaster's dream to have a huge and steady traffic to their website. That is why, they are always on the look out for effective marketing tools that can help them bring qualified visitors to their web pages. Today, one of the most reliable traffic-generating tools is article marketing. It is the easiest way to obtain inbound links for your website and improve your search engine ranking so you can increase your page views.

Here are the 3 reliable methods to grow your article marketing:

1. Earn your readers' trust. People will only click on your resource box if they feel that you are an expert on your chosen niche and that you have valuable information to impart. That is why it is of outmost importance that you strive to offer them quality and content-rich articles. It will also greatly help if you can offer information that they can use to resolve their pressing issues. If you show interest in helping your readers, they will instantly trust you and treat you as someone who is genuinely interested in helping them out and not just a random marketer who is after their credit cards.

2. Build rapport. It is not enough that you inform your readers, it is also important that you build that personal connection with them so they will like you. You can easily do this by showing empathy and striving to sound warm and friendly so you can put your readers at ease.

3. Be innovative. Be willing to experiment, try new things, and think out of the box so you can always offer your readers with something new. Breaking away from what is conventional and generally accepted can set you apart from the rest.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.