Marketing Plan

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Article Marketing Services - The Advantages of Article Marketing Services

Search engines are extremely dependent on article marketing service. This article marketing service is targeted towards potential clients, in the hope that they may be enticed to read the articles with lots of interest. This process of article marketing service is useful towards development of web traffic and business for the industry.

The key aspect of article marketing service is the need for a professionally written and industry relevant article. Articles written by professionals of the article marketing services have two dynamic characters, the former being an informative article and the latter includes a promotional article. However the equal need for both the types cannot be undermined because a proper informative article scores very well over search engine rankings whereas a promotional article brings together a wide variety of audience to purchase the services provided by the corporate houses taking the advantage of this article marketing service.

The article marketing service providers are becoming large business houses, boosting online business to a level unheard of. A large number of service providers are shaping up in this department, taking care of all the business needs of corporate houses and are looking forward to have a winning attitude in the market which itself gets substantially elevated due to search engine optimization.

An undisputable importance of online presence has further elevated the need for a good number of article marketing service providers. However, webmasters cannot all the time rely upon other providers as they at times, only themselves, do best understand the need of their businesses. In today's online world, the importance of a professional over a standard article is well understood and therefore results in an utmost importance and market for the article marketing service providers. The vast varieties of professionals from all over the world are indeed giving rise to a new horizon for article marketing services.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit http://

Internet Marketing Advice for Beginners

For many people new to the internet, they see it not only as a source of information but also as a source of profit. For those who see it as a potential source of income, they search the web looking for a way to fulfill this dream. There are many traps that they can fall into and there are a few things they should know before starting this endeavor.

Internet usage worldwide increased 265% from 2000 to 2007( This creates a huge opportunity for business owners to capitalize on the navet of those new internet users. Claims of "wealth within hours", and "all of the answers in one ebook" are abound on the internet today. This leads to a lot of misinformation and false hope.

One opportunity that exists on the internet is in the form of affiliate marketing. This is a good way to start in the internet marketing realm for someone new to the concept. However, if someone is using a duplicated site that is offered to all of the members of that program; it is hard to stand out and be noticed. Free website offers can be very alluring to the untrained eye but in actuality they are very hard to market and even harder to profit from. It is always best to have your own site that is unique. Keeping content varied and different from "the rest of the pack" will give you an edge on marketing a product or program.

An even more popular program is in the form of a membership site. These programs will offer you all the tools of the trade to get your own internet business. Some of these programs are great to get involved with if the owners are reputable and care about their members. Other site owners are simply offering the memberships to profit from the fees and do not offer good products. It is always good to get unbiased testimonials before considering a membership.

Another common sight to see is people peddling ebooks with information varying from how to create a website, how to write an ebook, etc. These products can be good or they can be bad. The new internet marketers should be wary of spending lots of money on ebooks with fantastic claims. There are some great ebooks out there with great content, but it is not recommended to put a lot of money into a product when the information can likely be found on the internet for free. If you spend a few dollars to get the info you are looking for in one place would be okay, but to fork over several $20's or $50's for information you can readily find with a little bit of research of your own is not recommended.

To close, the greatest piece of advice for all new internet marketers is to do research. Just as CEO's of major corporations deliberate with a board of directors, you too should sit down and investigate any business venture before you dive in head first. It is very easy to get starry eyed and follow a self proclaimed "guru" or greatest "new product just launched". Try to differentiate your business from all the other internet marketers to get an edge, and offer a worthwhile and unique product that can be easily marketed. Anyone new to internet marketing who stays away from gimmicks and schemes, will have a greater chance to profit. Try to join a free internet marketers forum for more specific and detailed help and you should be well on your way.

For more affiliate marketing tips, visit my lens at Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also sign up at my website:

How to Turn Your Articles into a Viral Traffic Stampede

By writing articles you can send targeted traffic to your website at any time without paying a single cent. Articles are one of the best online marketing investments you can make because you write them once and they send you instant visitors each and every day. The more articles you have circulating the internet, the more targeted traffic they will send to your site.

Now, you may be thinking that writing just isn't your thing, but I'm about to show you just how easy it can be.Read on to find out a simple method that will have you ripping out articles in record time.

1. Killer title - The first step is to create a killer title. Authors know that the difference between a bestseller and a dud can come simply through the title of a book. The same thing goes for articles. You must grab the reader out of their chair with an attention-grabbing title. Here are a few to get you started.

Powerful Secret that pulls in thousands of devoted subscribers
3 Strategies that will triple your conversion rate
7 Overlooked Methods that Drive Daily Traffic to your Site
How to Get 1000+ Targeted Visitors a Day
5 Ways to Generate More Traffic Next Week.
Instant Traffic With Expired Domains

2. Grab your audience with an eye-opening introductory sentence. An example might be:

Did you know that 90% of all traffic comes from search engines? Are you taking advantage of this traffic goldmine?

Next, you would uncover your valuable information in the body of the article.

3. The body of the article is the main course of the entire juicy feast. A simple way is to create an outline You could use:

Problem 1 > Solution 1 > Problem 2 > Solution 2 , etc.

If you're writing a "tips" article, you can simply write about each tip, divided into paragraphs.

Make sure your articles are fast and fun. Use bullets, numbered lists, and sub-headings to make it easy to read.

4. Summarize your article with a call to action. End your article by summarizing the main points and getting the reader to take action.

5. Next is one of the most crucial steps: a powerful resource box. This is a 3-6 line ad that sends readers to your website. To get readers to click you must offer a strong benefit. Don't try to sell in your resource box. You must first establish a relationship. So first, try to get them subscribed to your newsletter or autoresponder. Entice them with a free offer. Here is an example of a powerful resource box:

Alli Ross, is the wacky marketing chick at She also publishes a blog packed with powerful tips that will send hundreds of targeted visitors to your site. Grab your power-packed traffic at

Your resource box should include your name, your website address, a strong benefit, and a call to action.

Each of your articles has the potential to send you hundreds of visitors. Short articles perform the best, usually 200 - 600 words. Be sure that each of your articles contains a killer title with an attention-grabbing opener. Continue your article with a body packed with great info. People won't come to your site if you don't provide valuable information. Do not load the body of your article with links back to your site. This will lower the acceptance of the articles for reprint by other publishers. Allow your resource box to flood your site with quality traffic and soon you will be on your way to increased visitors and increased sales.

Alli Ross, is the wacky marketing chick at, where you can submit your articles for free exposure.

Internet Marketing Coach Tip Nine - Hire A Coach Or Mentor If Needed

This is a new article in my ongoing series of internet marketing coach articles. In this article I would like to discuss the importance of finding a mentor if you feel confused, frustrated,and without direction in your new online or internet marketing business.

Why is it important to find a mentor or internet marketing coach while you are operating your new online business or internet marketing opportunity? The answer to this question is plain and simple. Sometimes you cannot run your new online business or internet marketing opportunity alone. If you are new in internet marketing or just started a new online business, it will be very difficult for you to succeed without support. Many times individuals in a new online or internet marketing business get assigned a sponsor who refuses to take calls. I had this happen to me when I started my new online business, and it was the absolute worst feeling in the world. I also had a sponsor give me horrible advice and he had me join another program (useless) where he made commissions on me. At that time I certainly could have used a good internet marketing coach or mentor!

An internet marketing coach or mentor can also help you to set goals for yourself when you are feeling lazy, unmotivated, or discouraged. The support is important, and it is very similar when somebody hires a fitness coach or trainer. We may be more apt to set short and long term goals and complete our tasks when we have an internet marketing coach on our side who is prompting us and guiding us in our success.

I advise you to hire a mentor or internet marketing coach if you are floundering in your new online business or just not getting the results that you desire or expect. Sometimes just one or two sessions will help to set you on the right track. You can also read internet marketing coach articles and tips as well, if you do not have the money to hire someone to work with you directly.

Good luck with all of your new online or work from home endeavors! I wish you all of the success in the world!

Michelle Tukachinsky

Internet Marketing Coach Tip Nine - Hire A Coach Or Mentor If Needed

This is a new article in my ongoing series of internet marketing coach articles. In this article I would like to discuss the importance of finding a mentor if you feel confused, frustrated,and without direction in your new online or internet marketing business.

Why is it important to find a mentor or internet marketing coach while you are operating your new online business or internet marketing opportunity? The answer to this question is plain and simple. Sometimes you cannot run your new online business or internet marketing opportunity alone. If you are new in internet marketing or just started a new online business, it will be very difficult for you to succeed without support. Many times individuals in a new online or internet marketing business get assigned a sponsor who refuses to take calls. I had this happen to me when I started my new online business, and it was the absolute worst feeling in the world. I also had a sponsor give me horrible advice and he had me join another program (useless) where he made commissions on me. At that time I certainly could have used a good internet marketing coach or mentor!

An internet marketing coach or mentor can also help you to set goals for yourself when you are feeling lazy, unmotivated, or discouraged. The support is important, and it is very similar when somebody hires a fitness coach or trainer. We may be more apt to set short and long term goals and complete our tasks when we have an internet marketing coach on our side who is prompting us and guiding us in our success.

I advise you to hire a mentor or internet marketing coach if you are floundering in your new online business or just not getting the results that you desire or expect. Sometimes just one or two sessions will help to set you on the right track. You can also read internet marketing coach articles and tips as well, if you do not have the money to hire someone to work with you directly.

Good luck with all of your new online or work from home endeavors! I wish you all of the success in the world!

Michelle Tukachinsky

How Does Forum Marketing Stack Up To Article Marketing?

In this article I would like to compare forum marketing with article marketing. Both are very good free ways to advertise your internet business. When you are starting out you are going to be limited for cash and these methods of free advertising are very important to get going. However, you need to be able to understand the key differences between the two methods to make the most out of them. Let us first examine the main method behind how forum marketing works. You need to find forums that are related to your niche market and post frequently to them. By including a signature if somebody likes your post they will click on your signature and click through to your website. Also do not spam as this will damage your credibility. Only make quality posts that will demonstrate that you are an expert.

In principal this does work. However, when I used this method of promotion I found that with some forums it was a real mission signing up. You first had to make a certain amount of posts before your forum signature with an external link was approved. On other sites I found that I had some difficulty adding my signature. You needed to use special code to get your url embedded in my signature. When I asked for help the administrator did not like my website and removed my signature.

I will never spam a website and I was judged before even doing anything. He basically did not like me having a squeeze page. I did succeed getting my signature approved on some high traffic forums. I frequently post to these and get reasonable amounts of traffic from them. It can be a pain to get going, but well worth the effort once you do.

On the other hand article marketing is much easier to get going. You basically only need to sign up with Ezine Articles as they are the leader. Write quality articles and submit them. However, the down side is that it is very time intensive. It will take a lot more time writing a good quality article compared to writing a good quality post. However, I personally feel that your articles will get you more exposure as they become viral.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

How Does Forum Marketing Stack Up To Article Marketing?

In this article I would like to compare forum marketing with article marketing. Both are very good free ways to advertise your internet business. When you are starting out you are going to be limited for cash and these methods of free advertising are very important to get going. However, you need to be able to understand the key differences between the two methods to make the most out of them. Let us first examine the main method behind how forum marketing works. You need to find forums that are related to your niche market and post frequently to them. By including a signature if somebody likes your post they will click on your signature and click through to your website. Also do not spam as this will damage your credibility. Only make quality posts that will demonstrate that you are an expert.

In principal this does work. However, when I used this method of promotion I found that with some forums it was a real mission signing up. You first had to make a certain amount of posts before your forum signature with an external link was approved. On other sites I found that I had some difficulty adding my signature. You needed to use special code to get your url embedded in my signature. When I asked for help the administrator did not like my website and removed my signature.

I will never spam a website and I was judged before even doing anything. He basically did not like me having a squeeze page. I did succeed getting my signature approved on some high traffic forums. I frequently post to these and get reasonable amounts of traffic from them. It can be a pain to get going, but well worth the effort once you do.

On the other hand article marketing is much easier to get going. You basically only need to sign up with Ezine Articles as they are the leader. Write quality articles and submit them. However, the down side is that it is very time intensive. It will take a lot more time writing a good quality article compared to writing a good quality post. However, I personally feel that your articles will get you more exposure as they become viral.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Very Strong Elements to Amplify Your Article Marketing

There are a lot of ways and means that you can amplify your article marketing in order to achieve better results. However, the three elements stated below are exceptionally recommended because of the proven record of success rate that they have brought to many online businesses.

1. Outline your article material to produce a well-structured content. The success of the marketing plan largely depends on the quality of your articles. Therefore, it is essential that you give extra time and effort to make the whole article material worthy of everybody's attention. Make sure that it goes beyond what is acceptable. It has to bear excellence in all aspects: style of writing, grammar, punctuation, quality of information, relevance of the subject matter, and coherence of ideas.

2. Plan your marketing strategies on how you can make these articles be attention-getter. You need to make sure that these highly qualified article materials get the attention of the majority of readers. You can engage into promoting these in some online gatherings and discussions to allow for people to talk about them.

3. Evaluate your articles based on another set of standards - the standards of publishing sites. Make sure that you are able to surpass the common standards set forth by these publishing sites if you want to make sure that your works will be published and promoted.

4. Polish your articles from time to time to make sure that they do not convey the same sets of ideas. People are looking for an exceptional set of information. Thus, you need to make sure that you present fresh, new ideas on every article that you write and post to publishing sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Very Strong Elements to Amplify Your Article Marketing

There are a lot of ways and means that you can amplify your article marketing in order to achieve better results. However, the three elements stated below are exceptionally recommended because of the proven record of success rate that they have brought to many online businesses.

1. Outline your article material to produce a well-structured content. The success of the marketing plan largely depends on the quality of your articles. Therefore, it is essential that you give extra time and effort to make the whole article material worthy of everybody's attention. Make sure that it goes beyond what is acceptable. It has to bear excellence in all aspects: style of writing, grammar, punctuation, quality of information, relevance of the subject matter, and coherence of ideas.

2. Plan your marketing strategies on how you can make these articles be attention-getter. You need to make sure that these highly qualified article materials get the attention of the majority of readers. You can engage into promoting these in some online gatherings and discussions to allow for people to talk about them.

3. Evaluate your articles based on another set of standards - the standards of publishing sites. Make sure that you are able to surpass the common standards set forth by these publishing sites if you want to make sure that your works will be published and promoted.

4. Polish your articles from time to time to make sure that they do not convey the same sets of ideas. People are looking for an exceptional set of information. Thus, you need to make sure that you present fresh, new ideas on every article that you write and post to publishing sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Getting Backlinks To Your Website

The whole reason for submitting articles to article directories is to get "backlinks" to whatever site you want boosted up in the search engine results. But you also get immediate traffic from folks following these backlinks directly to your website...Where they will arrive in the perfect mindset to buy your product or affiliate product (if you've done a little keyword research beforehand.)

But the links need to be crafted a certain way. So you need to get this right. They need to be "text links," otherwise known as "anchor text." We'll cover exactly how to do this in a moment.

These backlinks are simply links back to your site from your "author's resource box," like the one at the end of this article. Your author's resource box is where you get to do some self-promotion. Usually, you're not allowed to promote your product or website in the main body of the article. After all, articles are supposed to be just that--articles; otherwise they'd be called advertisements!

Look at the author resource box at the bottom of this article. There's two important things you need to know about the first blue link in the author's resource box:

1. "article marketing" is a "text link," a.k.a. "anchor text" instead of (which is the actual link URL). The search engines, especially the biggest one--Google--reward you for text links and not URLs...

The resource box section of some article directories will "parse" the html code into normal, "readable" text, making it look like the resource "box" you see at the end of this article.

(The html code you need to use to make a text link is covered in the Article Marketing Tutorial section of my website--click the text link in the resource "box" at the end of this article. Creating text links is only a matter of a couple clicks when using your html editor, however, you have to "hand code" the html into the author's resource box.)

2. "article marketing" is a researched keyword phrase and is the title of the webpage that it links to.

If you take a little time to research a keyword phrase to use as your link text, you will be rewarded with many more visitors to your website than if you used anchor text that is not a searched-for keyword phrase.

Tired of writing articles that don't get visitors back to your site? Make sure you're doing the right things by reading the article marketing tutorial in the "How to Make Money Online" section of

Article Marketing - Getting Backlinks To Your Website

The whole reason for submitting articles to article directories is to get "backlinks" to whatever site you want boosted up in the search engine results. But you also get immediate traffic from folks following these backlinks directly to your website...Where they will arrive in the perfect mindset to buy your product or affiliate product (if you've done a little keyword research beforehand.)

But the links need to be crafted a certain way. So you need to get this right. They need to be "text links," otherwise known as "anchor text." We'll cover exactly how to do this in a moment.

These backlinks are simply links back to your site from your "author's resource box," like the one at the end of this article. Your author's resource box is where you get to do some self-promotion. Usually, you're not allowed to promote your product or website in the main body of the article. After all, articles are supposed to be just that--articles; otherwise they'd be called advertisements!

Look at the author resource box at the bottom of this article. There's two important things you need to know about the first blue link in the author's resource box:

1. "article marketing" is a "text link," a.k.a. "anchor text" instead of (which is the actual link URL). The search engines, especially the biggest one--Google--reward you for text links and not URLs...

The resource box section of some article directories will "parse" the html code into normal, "readable" text, making it look like the resource "box" you see at the end of this article.

(The html code you need to use to make a text link is covered in the Article Marketing Tutorial section of my website--click the text link in the resource "box" at the end of this article. Creating text links is only a matter of a couple clicks when using your html editor, however, you have to "hand code" the html into the author's resource box.)

2. "article marketing" is a researched keyword phrase and is the title of the webpage that it links to.

If you take a little time to research a keyword phrase to use as your link text, you will be rewarded with many more visitors to your website than if you used anchor text that is not a searched-for keyword phrase.

Tired of writing articles that don't get visitors back to your site? Make sure you're doing the right things by reading the article marketing tutorial in the "How to Make Money Online" section of

The Amazing Impact of a Good Marketing Strategies

The life and death of a business is by having a killer Marketing Strategies. Your cash flow will surely increase with the right kind of marketing strategies. The confusion and jargon that surrounds what ought to be one of the most straightforward areas of modern business will be stripped away with a Good Marketing Strategy. A Marketing Strategy that works will help your small business to grow.

One of the most effective and free marketing strategy is Article Marketing. Tons Web Surfers will get something for free online and in return you will get click through to your website where you might sell something or have them sign up for a newsletter or list.

You can target your traffic with Article Marketing. A person will have an interest in the subject if he or she is willing to read an entire article . Hence, they will most likely want more information about the subject. This is what we call a very high quality traffic.

If the desire is to increase sales, a marketing niche strategy can include such things as advertising, online auction sites and search engine ranking to attract attention to products and services.

Driving a lot of potential interested parties to a website or blogs is The entire idea behind a marketing niche strategy. A solid Marketing Strategy will have clearly defined goals and points of action that are designed to meet those goals if it is being put into play. A marketing strategy can include such things as advertising, search engine ranking and online auction sites to attract attention to products and services If the desire is to increase sales.

Raimi Alwi is a person who do not like the hype in the "make money online" industry. He shares his personal experience in his blog and gives a free report for anyone who are not interested in making money. Get the latest story about him at the

The Amazing Impact of a Good Marketing Strategies

The life and death of a business is by having a killer Marketing Strategies. Your cash flow will surely increase with the right kind of marketing strategies. The confusion and jargon that surrounds what ought to be one of the most straightforward areas of modern business will be stripped away with a Good Marketing Strategy. A Marketing Strategy that works will help your small business to grow.

One of the most effective and free marketing strategy is Article Marketing. Tons Web Surfers will get something for free online and in return you will get click through to your website where you might sell something or have them sign up for a newsletter or list.

You can target your traffic with Article Marketing. A person will have an interest in the subject if he or she is willing to read an entire article . Hence, they will most likely want more information about the subject. This is what we call a very high quality traffic.

If the desire is to increase sales, a marketing niche strategy can include such things as advertising, online auction sites and search engine ranking to attract attention to products and services.

Driving a lot of potential interested parties to a website or blogs is The entire idea behind a marketing niche strategy. A solid Marketing Strategy will have clearly defined goals and points of action that are designed to meet those goals if it is being put into play. A marketing strategy can include such things as advertising, search engine ranking and online auction sites to attract attention to products and services If the desire is to increase sales.

Raimi Alwi is a person who do not like the hype in the "make money online" industry. He shares his personal experience in his blog and gives a free report for anyone who are not interested in making money. Get the latest story about him at the