Marketing Plan

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Article Marketing - The Step To Being Successful

If you follow this one step to becoming a successful article marketer, all the search engine optimization will mean nothing. You can have the world's worst article title, but if you were to just follow this one step guide to article marketing, you'll get the traffic you want and he profits you desire. There's just one step that you have to take. What is it?

  1. Write 10 articles a day.

That's it. That's the one step guide to becoming successful as an article marketer. Writing at least 10 articles a day. No less. This might be a simple task, but many beginning article marketers don't take it seriously. In order to become successful at article marketing, you have to flood the market! It's that simple, and that is the truth! There are no lies about it. Flooding the market with your articles, is the best way to beat out the competition. You can easily do that with the one step guide. Just write 10 articles a day. If you do this, it won't matter what your title is. Just write! The more you do, the better you'll do and the more you'll learn about article marketing.

If you just keep writing at least 10 articles a day, you'll start to see what it takes to being an article marketer, and what it takes to make a successful article. That's all there is to it! Why should you write 10 articles a day? The more you write, the better you become, the better your articles become, and the more that you flood the market. With 10 articles a day, by the end of every month, you can be certain that you'll have at least 280 articles working to get traffic for you!

If you were to type in the word psp download into Google, there is an article on the first page. That one article gets more than 200 clicks per day. That one article get at least 50 URL clicks a day. That means that the creator of that article, is getting 50 people to his website, just through that one article. What if he has 100 (which he probably does)? 200? He will get 50 URL link clicks from each article, taking them to his website. Even if he were to only get 5 people to get to his website for every article, he would still get 1000 people to his website a day!

Now if you were to write 10 articles a day, you would end up with 280 articles by the end of the month. That means that if you wrote good articles, you'll get at least 100 people to your website a day! 100! Just start writing those 10 articles, and your traffic and profits will skyrocket!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing & List Building - How to Build a Highly Qualified & Highly Responsive List of Gold

Article marketing is absolutely the best free way to build a highly responsive list. And it really only takes repeating five steps over and over again.

5 Steps to a List of Gold

Step 1 - Write a great quality article - When you write a great article giving good actionable information the reader is going to want more information and they are going to want it from you.

Step 2 - Your resource box - In your resource box invite the reader back to your web site or blog for more great information. Use words such as "And now I would like to invite you to..."

Step 3 - The trade - This is where the reader trades their email address for more good information from you. You must get over your concern about asking for the opt-in, because if a prospect is not going to give you their email address now they certainly are not going to give you their credit card later.

Step 4 - Follow up - Your future and your fortune are in the follow up. This is where most marketers drop the ball. Follow up with more good information before you ask for the sale.

Step 5 - TGC - TGC stands for Take Great Care of your list. We use strange words on the internet such as "traffic" and "lists." Both traffic and lists are made up of individual people with heads and hearts. Answer their questions. Ask them questions. Take great care of them and they will take great care of you.

And I'd like to invite you to use these five steps over and over again to build your list of gold with your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - Secrets of Titles That Sell

One of the most important aspects of your article marketing, is your titles. Titles pull people in. Titles make people take notice. Without a decent title - you're screwed . It's a good idea to start your title by summing up the whole article. For example rather than -

The Secrets of Quickly Learning Disco Dancing.

It would be much more effective to use:

Disco Dancing - 7 Speedy Secrets Exposed.

This way when someone searched "disco dancing" they will find your article easier. You also want to make your article title catchy. It is a good idea to use numbers, such as:

  • Lose Weight Fast - 6 Key Secrets for Maximum Weight Loss

It shows people that the article will be concise. People don't want to spend all day reading your article. You want to pull them in, so by using words such as "secrets", "key" and "exposed" it will make people think they are getting something special, which they will be with the information you provide them with. Also, remember to Keep It Short and Concise . The title simply draws people in, it does not have to explain everything the article will cover.

Monitor which articles are clicked on more than others, by keeping an eye on your stats. This will help you see which articles have the most successful titles and which topics are most popular.

Keep at it. With all aspects of article writing, thinking of creative and effective titles becomes easier with time. It is possible to succeed, as long as you don't give up to quickly.

Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out

Fast Article Marketing - 4 Intriguing Methods to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

As you might already know, article marketing is the best free promotional and traffic-generating tool in the internet today. It can augment your website's traffic while pulling up your search engine ranking. But, are there some ways on how you can improve you marketing efforts to maximize the benefits that you can get from using this tool?

Here are the 4 intriguing methods to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. As each submission grants you at least one quality inbound link, the number of your submissions plays crucial role in the success of your article marketing campaign. Experts agree that you have to submit at least 5 articles per day to further improve your website traffic and strengthen your online presence.

2. Sell your products. Although most publishers will not allow you to include blatant advertisements on your content, you can still pitch in your products on your articles - but in a subtle way. Talk about the problems that are being faced by your target market and offer your products as a solution. By doing so, you will be able to create a need for your product and properly build it up to secure more sales leads.

3. Be particular with the quality of your articles. This is the most important element that will either make or break your marketing efforts. You would want other online users to read, pick up, and republish your articles so you can create more inbound links for your website and increase your website's traffic in the process. Thus, it is important that your articles are well-written, informative, useful, and content-rich.

4. Use keywords and popular search terms on your chosen niche. This is to make your articles highly searchable online and make it easier for you to connect to your target market.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

4 Keys of Article Marketing

All webmasters know that one-way links of superior quality which are related to one's website is very important. One-way links lead to a rise in Google Page Rank as well as traffic to the target site. One promising method of developing related one-way links is by writing articles and then submitting them to directories. Usually, individuals writing useful, informative articles are chosen by other web managers for working on their sites. Due to this, you are offered with many inbound links along with high traffic flow. These one-way links acquired by you will apply to other relevant sites since webmasters use only those articles which are closely associated to the subjects displayed on their sites.

There are a few standard principles that people who want to use internet marketing successfully need to remember.

Top Quality Writing:

If you are a writer interested in marketing your pieces to webmasters the key is to make the article interesting. Webmasters are always looking for great articles that will catch and hold the interest of their website visitors. The article, of course, needs to contain useful information, but it also has to be interesting to keep and hold the readers attention to the end of the article. Any website that selects your article for publishing should see an increase in the value of their site. Writing these great articles will help them be included on websites and the readers may enjoy reading them so much that they go to your website to find more things to read.

Author Credit Area:

This is typically placed at the very end of the article submitted. While the majority of article directories permit as many as three links at this location, you have to verify this with each article directory and read their article submission requirements to ensure this. Be sure to use as many links as are allowed, and don't forget to link to both internal and home pages. In the event that three links are permitted, consider linking first to the home page of your site, then to an internal page at the same site, and finally to a fully written out URL. Webmasters occasionally just copy and paste a desired article onto their website and completely omit hyperlinks. If one of your links is the site URL, you will eliminate the potential disadvantage this can cause you. If you choose to submit the article to more than one directory, provide some variations in both the anchors and the hyperlinks in your resource information.

Getting Inspired and Researching a Good Article:

Since the essentials of article marketing, or article submission for the purpose of web promotion, are now clear, the next step is to begin writing. From where do you find writing ideas for these articles? Begin by using ideas found at your own site. Consider the theme, or main idea, of the site. This will determine your writing topic. Remember, too, that you want the people who read these articles to develop an interest in the item being promoted at your website. Your goal is to write articles that will attract and keep readers interested during their visit to your site.

Article Research:

Information and data should normally be gathered before writing the article. An excellent source of information is the public domain where many websites offer copyright-free information. Several websites also sell "Private Label Rights" (PLR) articles that are well researched and solidly written. However, it is recommended that the content from these sources not be merely copied and pasted.

You can find a large number of potential information sources for your articles by doing keyword searches on search engines. Always use your own thoughts, ideas, and wording for your articles. Be mindful of copyright laws when marketing your articles.

Daiv Russell is a web marketing copywriter with Envision Software. Make sure to submit your articles to Or, if you want articles for your newsletter or ezine, check out their internet marketing articles and business articles.

Fast Article Marketing - Latest 4 Targeted Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

If you have the knack for writing, you don't need to look very far for a great traffic-generation method that you can use to build quality traffic for your website. You can simply write and submit articles to publishing sites to improve your page ranking, obtain numerous inbound links, and increase the number of your page views.

1. Plan ahead. Devise a workable plan where you can schedule all the smaller tasks that are associated with article marketing. Set your writing time and schedule your submission. Allot at least one day every week for your performance check and for improving articles that are not receiving impressive click throughs.

2. Match your goals with the amount of time and effort that you are willing to invest on this technique. If you aim to get additional 100,000 page views every day, you must be willing to multiply the number of articles that you submit on a regular basis or devise a better plan on how you can reach your goals. Some marketers hire ghostwriters or articles submitter so they can post more articles to get improved traffic.

3. Be patient. Some article marketers quit when they don't see noticeable improvement in their page views after a couple of submissions. Article marketing doesn't offer immediate results and based on researches, you need at least 100 quality articles before you will feel the improvement. So, be patient, keep writing and submitting articles and you'll surely reap great rewards in the long run.

4. Submit only to the best publishing sites. Some article submission sites are not even indexed by Google. Don't waste your time on these sites as they do not have steady readership that can potentially pick up and distribute your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Get 2 to 5 Times The Visitors From an 800 Plus Word Article? Really Easy!

I like to read articles. I guess I am not the only one I say with a smile, since I guess that is the point of article directories. Sometimes I am very impressed by the depth and quality of an article. When I read one of these, I usually feel inspired to step up my game a little when writing my articles.

The problem with this is that as soon as I try to go a little deeper with one of my articles, they start to get longer and longer. This is bad for two reasons. Longer articles don't get read any more, if anything, they get read less. Second, I am getting less return on my investment of time.

Let me explain, if it takes me 30 to 45 min to write an article, that time is my investment for the number of visitors that I hope to inspire to come to my site. If I spend 1 hour or even more, and I get the same results, then that is not as good of an investment of my time.

You might say, well I like writing more in-depth articles and I don't care if I have to put a little more time into each one. The truth is you should like writing better and more in-depth content. This is how you will share your expertise with the world. The place for that content is on your website.

It is important to remember the role of each step of the process. And the role of the article is an appetizer. Not some cheap filler food, or a nibble, but a good healthy quality appetizer. But afterwards, you want the reader to be so impressed, that they want to go to your site and get the full meal.

So, how do you get the greatest return on your investment when an article does get a little long? Article sets. Turn your article into two or more articles. You can even turn them into parts if you need to add on a little more information. But, if you build multiple articles, you will get more visitors for the effort, and you will be giving your readers the size bites they have shown us they like to read.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - Your First Steps in Article Marketing

Would you like a free strategy for driving traffic to your web site? Would you like a free strategy for creating more prospects? Would you like a free strategy for building your list? Would you like to know a free strategy for creating more customers?

Would you like all these things even if you knew that these strategies slam dunk work?

Then article marketing is for you.

Now, here are your first steps in article marketing.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article. Offer good information that your reader can use right away. Help them to know, like and trust you.

Step 2 - Write a great resource box that invites the reader to take an action. Ask them and guide them to click on the links back to your web site or blog.

Step 3 - Have the reader go to a page in your web site where they opt-in with their email address to get something of value that you are offering for free.

Step 4 - Take really good care of the people on your list. Stay in touch with them. Ask them what they want to learn and then deliver it.

Step 5 - Offer the people on your list your quality products and services.

Step 6 - Rinse and repeat. In other words, do this over and over again.

This simple six step process will drive more traffic to your web site, create more prospects, build your list and create more customers.

So please tell me why you would not want to jump right away into article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you get started in Article Marketing. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and