Marketing Plan

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What To Look For In An SEO Training Course - Seven Important Qualities

A track record of SEO success - Obviously one quality you should look for is a track record of success over a period of time in search engine optimisation and search engine marketing.

One quick way to check is to do a Google search on SEO training city, where city is your local area. (eg. SEO training Brisbane or Brisbane SEO training)

If the firm you are considering learning from doesn't rank well then you may be better off looking elsewhere. It also pays to check their SEO client portfolio. Do they have a portfolio? If so, are their clients happy with their SEO work? A few phone calls and you can make sure.

An understanding of current SEO methods - SEO is a dynamic industry. As search engines update and improve their ranking algorithms, so also must SEO companies update their methods of getting and holding good search engine rankings.

If the SEO training course you considering is focused on keyword density, link exchanges and creating complex metatags, then choose again. These factors used to be very important 3-5 years ago. Not so now. The best SEO these days is about keyword research, anchor text, article marketing, directory marketing, getting one-way links and using social media.

Avoid astonishing promises - If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. If the SEO training course you are considering promises to show you how to rank in the top 5 in Google for any search term then find someone else. As a famous movie once said" They're dreaming.

SEO is hard work and it does take time to rank well for competitive keyword phrases. Determining the best keyword phrase to optimise for and then executing the optimisation over a period of time will eventually yield results.

Sound training methodology - Does the SEO training firm use qualified trainers? What are their qualifications and experience is both training and SEO. There's nothing more disheartening that have a boring instructor who reads his or her notes and doesn't believe in classroom interaction. Make sure your SEO trainer is both a good classroom trainer and experienced in SEO.

Hands-on experience - SEO theory should be backed up by hands-on practical experience where you get to immediately apply your new learning. Avoid any SEO training course where you are lectured to for a day or so without any hands-on experience. The best SEO courses are a combination of theory, example and practice.

Where possible you should have the opportunity to work on a real life SEO project and get the instructors help with that project.

Follow up support - The half life of any training course is about 4 days. Unless the theory is applied or revised, it leaves short-term memory and must be relearned. Make sure the training that you purchase includes some level of e-mail or telephone support. if they do, make sure you use it even if it's just to make sure you are on the right track with your SEO projects. Good quality handouts, notes and access to online resources is also something to look for.

John Hacking is Product Manager for Search Tempo. Search Tempo is a Brisbane SEO training company and Brisbane SEO services firm.

Developing A List Of Keywords For Marketing

Keywords aren't just some words that allow search engines, like Google, to find your web site. They are also key elements for creating attractive language to use in your marketing or advertising material. For instance places such as: brochures, business cards, flyers, and ads. Keywords can also fit well into speaking engagements scripts or audiotapes scripts as well as audience handouts.

It is important to create a keyword list for each product or service you have. The keyword list might even change slightly if there are various groups or audiences for that product or service.

For simplicity, I have omitted the word service and for the word product to reflect both.

Creating your keyword list can begin after you have clearly identified the buyer or audience for a particular product or service. You will need to know as much about the buyer's demographic and charactertics as possible. I also recommend including their descriptive qualities and personalities. Here is a list to kick start your brainstorming process:

Socially conscious
Early adaptor
Later buyer
Has to see it to believe it
Guarantee a must.

The list of keywords will describe the product and target the specific quality you have isolated as most important to those buyers. No grabbing out of midair. Take the time and research, this will help you save money and reduce costly marketing experiences.

You can complete your research with any combination of methods. Here are eight methods to help you build from:

Yellow Pages or other indexes for services or products.
Reviewing your company literature already created
Checking out the competitors literature
Surveying key customers
Searching through trade publications (articles and ads), and contacting them or visiting their web site looking for their buyer statistics/demographics.
Use a general dictionary and thesaurus
Use a specialized dictionary like the, Flip Dictionary.

You can use resources like the yellow pages or other catalogue-type indexes listing grouping to discover keywords your product or service would be listed under.

Lets move through an example. If you were selling a professional development product you could be in any one of the following professions: professional speaker, life, business, or executive coach, consultant or trainer. Your buyer or audience is somewhat successful you're your product will help them add additional success. Here is a list of keywords that could describe their characteristics or qualities:

Able to motivate others
Committed to achieving excellence
Demands excellence
Full of character
Has good judgment
Has a wonderful stress-free life already
Highly perceptive
Lives up to her or her potential
Life-long learner
Sts high standards for themselves
Stays on track
Strives for perfection
Strives to excel
Takes the initiative
Motivated to achieve

Okay, good start. Now, lets begin to put all this together. Lets zoom in on one of these: strives to excel. Lets narrow down further to one word: excel.

Look up the word excel in a synonym finder, thesaurus or my preference, the Flip Dictionary and you find the following keywords that you can add to your keyword list: best, better, exceed, outclass, outdo, out rival, outstrip, shine, star, superior, surpass, take the cake, transcend, dominate, tower above, be head and shoulders above, stand out in the crowd, hold sway, lead, take the lead, lead the pack.

The list can go on, however, will stop here because the point is made.

After this, you could let your fingers travel through the thesaurus and then add those words.

Alternatively, you could continue your list by visiting a few of your competitors web sites and see what keywords they use. You do this by visiting their home page, right clicking the mouse on the page, and select "view source." In the HTML code look for "keywords." These are the keywords they use for the search engines to find them.

You will want to specifically focus on the competitor web sites that appear in first ten spots on one or two major search engines, like Google.

Next, select another method from your list of resources and continue until you feel you have enough right words.

After completing your list, you will want to review and place the keywords in priority order as best possible and eliminate any words that might be misleading. If you market globally, make sure none of the keywords mean something offensive in their language.

Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at:


Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Priceless Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

One of the best ways to promote your products and website for free online is through writing and distributing your articles. A lot of ezine publishers and webmasters love free content and if you can provide them valuable articles, they will give you quality inbound links for your website that can give you a lot of exposure.

Here are the 4 priceless secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Keep your readers in mind when writing your articles. It would be better if you can put yourself in their shoes so you will better understand their needs and problems. By doing so, you will become more effective in imparting knowledge that they will find relevant and useful to their lives.

2. Create a compelling author's bio. Most publishing sites will allow you to introduce yourself through your author's bio page. Take advantage of this so your readers will get to know you more on a personal level. Tell them what you do for a living, for fun, and what makes you a great marketer that they should trust. Don't forget to include your most recent photos so they can associate your personal information with a face.

3. Pick the best topics. By this, I mean write about topics that are highly related to your products and services so you will be able to drive quality traffic to your website. For instance, if you are selling wedding dresses, you can write about "Designer wedding dresses", "Where to get cheap but quality wedding dresses", etc. When you do, you will be able to attract the people who are most likely to buy your products.

4. Bank on the quality of your articles. The success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your articles. When people see that your articles are well-written and content-rich they are most likely to click on your resource box as they will instantly regard you as an expert on your chosen niche.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

An Internet Marketer's Gold Mine - Cultivate Good Habits

Lets face it: even when you stop doing your internet business, the online world will still go on. So it is really up to you to be able to stay afloat for as long as your possibly can and build something meaningful out of your internet marketing business.

If you plan to be a good internet marketer, then you must be able to have these on your checklist aside from harnessing your tools, making plans and building your list. The character of a highly competent internet marketer is what helps him not to rest on his laurels and continue to take on higher levels in the ladder of success.

Availability to Answer Questions

Do not just rely on your autoresponders to talk back to your subscribers. You must be able to meet the needs of your prospects. And most prospects have specific concerns that your autoresponder may not be sufficient or upgraded enough to answer.

If you are genuinely after providing services and products to your prospects, you must be available for their questions. You must have a number or email address from which they can contact you, and you must also have the time to respond to queries that will definitely coming your way.

Personality with a Personal Touch to All Correspondences

You must stand out among the sea of internet marketers. And the only way to do that is to let yourself shine though and render your marketing strategies with a personal touch. A sales letter does not have to sound like a love letter, but it must not sound like it came from a mechanical robot either.

Communicate positively that behind the followups is another human being who is prepared to meet their needs. Trust me, you will need this all of the time as you go about your business.

Openness to Change

You cannot expect that what worked for you a decade ago will continue to work today. Do not unreasonably hold on to tradition and be open to change. However, you must be able to balance the changes you will be introducing. You must also be open to feedbacks and suggestions from other people in your field.


While having an internet marketing business is relatively easier than other 9-5 jobs, it is still no reason for you to be lazy. Being hardworking is one of the marks of a true and well-meaning internet marketer. You will not have to labor like a horse, but you must also be willing to work hard to achieve your goals.

Persistence in Testing Things

Consistent testing is one of the best ways for you to update your system. If you are always testing your tools persistently, you will find that you will always be on top of your game. Testing what works and what does not work for your system will ensure that you will not keep inefficient techniques in your website and will help you maximize your available resources.

Joel Christopher is a best-selling author, speaker and mentor, known worldwide as The Masterlistbuilder. To find out more on how you can triple your leads, sales and profits. Go to

Does The Berry Tree Reward The Passive Affiliate?

How would you like it, if your bank paid you, $1333.00 a month?

That would be great, right?

Now, let's say that you put $55.95 into your savings account every month, for two years. You would have saved a total of $1342.80, plus a little interest.

Instead of giving you $1342.80+, what if the bank were to offer you $1333.00 a month, as long as you continued to put in $55.95 every month, just as you had been doing for two years? Would you take that offer? You would still be paying $55.95 a month, but profiting $1333.00 a month!

Would that be acceptable to you?

That would be like the best savings account in history, right?

Well hear this!

That's a real possibility with the new revolutionary, patented, Berry Tree program!

The Berry Tree has, what they like to call, Berry Member Credits. I receive one credit every two months for being a full member, and I also receive a credit every time that I sponsor a new member. I also receive a one time commission of $27 for each new member that I sponsor.

The great thing about the Berry Member Credit, is that it does not get used up, but will continue to roll over each month. Once my Berry Member Credit total reaches ten, I am eligible to earn from the Berry Tree Bonus Pool. The Berry Tree guarantees to pay its full members from the company wide Bonus Pool, after receiving 10 Berry Member Credits. I also earn residual income from the members that I sponsor, and even the members they sponsor.

Right now, the Berry Tree is on pace to break $4 million in it's first year! That's incredible!

They have what I like to call, "A passive affiliate guarantee!" Which means that even if you don't know how to market a business - no problem! If you don't want to sign anyone up - no problem!

There are a lot of passive affiliates who are looking for ways to earn income online, without doing much of anything. The Berry Tree has come forward with an answer for that.

Or maybe it's just the best savings account ever!

Learn more about the Berry Tree here:

It does what your savings account cannot; paying you more, for doing less!

I am an aspiring internet entrepreneur. I'm already successful because I know what to do, and I do it. If you would like to be successful working at home full time, check out my website here:


Discover the 4 Steps to Starting a Successful Business by signing up for my FREE Report and Newsletter

The Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) Explained

Last week I was conversing with a client over the phone and she mentioned that she wanted her new website to be on the top of the SERP's page. When I started to explain to her the logistics of being listed at the top for her search terms she was fascinated. She is a very intelligent woman with several websites already, and it got me to thinking that I should probably do a post for people who don't quite understand it all.

So, with that in mind - let me just explain (gently) what you're looking at:

Whenever you go to a search engine such as Google and you type in a keyword or phrase (the words you are using to search for something), after you hit "Search", the items that come up are broken down as follows:

The very top one or two "Sponsored Links" paid results. To get in that position, you have to be engaged in a PPC (Pay Per Click) or (Adwords) campaign with Google and you have to be the top bidder for the keyword phrase that was searched on.

Over on the right side are more "Sponsored Links". These are also paid or "sponsored" results from a PPC campaign. The results on the side are not the top dollar advertising. The person in charge of the campaign has a choice of what keywords to bid on, how much they want to spend per word or phrase and what position they want to be in.

The results underneath the top ones and to the left or in the middle are the natural search results. Meaning, the results that are showing up here are based on SEO (search engine optimization) and not a paid advertising campaign. There are many factors that the search engine algorithms use in order to determine what you as the end user will see. The results page does emphasize how important search engine optimization can be to your marketing budget.

You can either pay a professional for your SEO or work on it yourself. It requires a good investment of your time, however the results are worth it. You can find good SEO advice by doing a Google search on "SEO tips" and now you'll know what you are looking at when the results page comes up.

Joanne Pele is the Vice President of Operations at Complete Business Systems. Complete Business Systems provides a ready-to-go branding package for your company, including website, logo, business cards and letterhead. Additional services include postcard design, databases, press release and web content writing. For more information, visit Complete Business Systems or call 800-479-9186.

Building Link Popularity Strategy Secrets

Building a link popularity strategy these days has become very difficult and time consuming. The search engines have evolved and it is much more difficult to cheat the system that prevents spam websites from appearing at the top of search engines. This has made a successful link popularity campaign a lot more tedious and more work than previously. However, you do not have to be a search engine optimization expert to get good good rankings. Follow these link popularity basics and you will get good search engine rankings over a long period of time.

Google mentions on their site that a link from Yahoo and Open Directory constitutes as a vote of quality as in the Google webmaster guidelines. Get listed in the two most important directories on the web. Google favours older websites and applies a sandbox filter for new sites making it difficult for webmasters to spam the search engine. It can take a new website up to 12 months to rank well in the organic listings. A link from these websites will definitely help new websites to break out of the Google sandbox.

List your website in second tier directories like Best Of The Web,, MSN BCentral and Gimpsy. You can also list your website in a few third tier directories like Joeant and UncoverTheNet.

Do a newsworthy press release to obtain free publicity and get good quality links pointing to your website. You can get good quality free links from PRLeap and I-Newswire. It costs $80 dollars to get a good quality link from PRWeb.

Google trusts Wikipedia even more than Open Directory. Getting a link here will definitely boost your rankings. However if you submit a link for your home page it will very likely be removed and considered as spam. The secret to getting listed in Wikipedia is to have a very professional and informative article on a niche topic. Then in the niche category on Wikipedia you can suggest your article as an external link and you will still find your link in a months time.

Search for popular forums related to your niche. Register for them and create a signature with anchor text based on your keywords. Submit regular informative posts and helpful. You will gain link popularity and people who read your posts will also click on to your website.

Do a search on Google for the top websites for your related niche and get those websites to link to you. On topic links will boost your search engine rankings, but avoid too much reciprocal linking as Google will penalize you.

You can write your way using articles to the top of search engines. Submit your polished article to the major article directories like Ezinearticles, Goarticles, Article Dashboard and Article Alley. You will good quality links pointing back to your website.

Once you put these basics into practice you need to focus for at least a period of 6 to 12 months and you will find that you will start getting top search engine rankings.

Would you like to know more about the techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online. You can also visit his blog Home Based Internet Business

Learn to Write an Article Quickly - Within 15 Minutes

If you are trying to promote your website or product through article marketing then you really need to produce lots of articles everyday. In order to get good results you may need to at least produce 10 or more articles everyday.

To do this you need to learn to write an article quickly, not taking more than 10-15 minutes. I will show you a simple technique on how to write an online article within this time frame.

First of all decide on a topic you want to write about. Then note down the important points you wish to cover in your article.

If you have good knowledge about the topic then you can start writing immediately as a lot of ideas might be flowing in your mind on what to write about.

If you are struggling to get sufficient number of ideas then follow this simple procedure - go to the popular article directories like ezinearticle or articledashboard and read 1-3 articles related to your topic. Then you can get enough ideas.

I am not saying that you should copy the other's articles, but rather just go through them to get a few ideas of your own.

Now is the time for action. After you have good number of point written down, look at the clock. Set 10-15 minutes maximum for writing a full article covering all the points you have listed. Start firing away.

The key to success with this method is that you should not think much while writing as this may slow down the process. Just write whatever you can about the listed points.

Do not worry much about spelling, grammar and other mistakes right now. The editing part can come later after your 15 minutes are up. Use this time just for writing.

You should have all your points covered nicely within 15 minutes. Now is the time to fine tune your article making necessary changes etc.

The above technique can be a real time saver if you want to write a lot of articles quickly. Just set aside a time frame and do not think or edit much in that time - it is only for writing and covering the points you have listed earlier.

Then you can submit your article to the top article directories. I maintain a notepad that has a list of article directories along with their pageranks and alexa traffic ranking. Then I can submit them to the top directories. This software can make your article submission work easier by automating it - article submission software

It is better if you make some changes to each article while submitting to different directories. No need to write the whole article again from scratch for each site, just make a few changes as Google seems to be getting very strict with duplicate content right now.

You do not need to try and write outstanding articles, they can just be good enough covering the topic well and being of some value to the readers.

When you learn to write an article quickly using the above procedure, it should not be difficult to write 10, 20 or even more good quality articles each day. Then you can reduce time and efforts of submission by using the above mentioned software.

Article marketing can really work for you if you write lots of them on a consistent basis.

Learn how to get top rankings in Google. Download Free Ebook - Google number one ranking

Want to earn $50 or more everday on internet? Check out: Earn money fast online

At What Point Should You Stop Using Articles To Market Your Home Business Products?

Many network marketing individuals who use article marketing to sell their products sometime tend to feel that because they have written so many articles on a particular niche that there may be no need for them to continue writing since they will continue to generate traffic from their old articles each and every month.

That brings out an important questions which many people ask. If I have written 200 articles posted online, Wouldn't I still be getting steady traffic from my articles to sell my products? Does it still make sense to continue writing?

Well, the truth of the matter is that articles posted online continue to get traffic even several months after it is posted. But then, Google and other top search engines which may have ranked your website to the top 10 searches does so based on the most recent articles submitted.

When you post an optimised article online with a high ranking in the search engines, the article stays there for at least 2 - 3 weeks and it will start dropping as other new and fresh articles with the same keywords are posted online. You will start getting less and less traffic from that article.

Sure, you will continue to get tricklings of traffic as many months passes by from the old articles. But the newest articles give you the most traffic because Google ranks articles based on fresh and most recent contents submission.

However, you can improve this situation and bring your articles back to the top of the engines by writing similar articles with the same keywords so as to maintain your position in the search engines.

If you are driving traffic to your home business products using articles, your best bet is to continue to write informative articles related to the ones you had earlier posted.

Your article marketing may not be aggressive. Writing 2 articles per day can still keep you up the search engine and will generate you more business in the long run.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline!

Joe Okoro is an accomplished networker who has successfully used internet marketing to grow his downline for 3 years now.

Article Writing Secrets - Explode Your Profits with These 3 Article Writing Secrets

The point of writing an article for any affiliate marketer, Google Adsense earner, blogger, or anybody else that does not just do it for joy is to get people to read your article and click through to your website in the resource box. So how do you get more people to see your article and click through to your website? Here are 3 article writing secrets that will get you more traffic.

The first secret to writing articles for traffic is to get listed in the top search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo!. This is not as hard to do as it might sound. You need to target keywords that get searched for every month, but don't have a ton of competition. This will give you a good chance to get listed on the front page of the major search engines. Imagine if you had 50 articles that were getting you 50 visitors each every week. That would be 2500 visitors each week.

The second article writing secret is very simple and will help you get listed even easier on the top search engines. When you are doing your search engine optimization, which would be using your keyword enough that the search engines find you relevant on the subject, use your keyword phrase twice in the title. This will get you better results with Google for sure. It is harder to tell whether Yahoo! or MSN like this, but they always seem to follow Google's lead so it is a safe bet.

The last secret that will help you write better articles for traffic is to leave your readers wanting more. When you give your readers some information, but you leave them wanting more, then there is a better chance that they will read your entire article and click through to your website. You should always leave your readers wanting more tips, secrets, or information about the subject.

Article writing is a great way to create a lot of good targeted traffic to your website, AdSense site, or blog. You can turn these article writing secrets into money with AdSense, affiliate programs, or your own website. Use these secrets to explode your traffic and your profits.

Discover the real secrets to article writing and start making your income from articles. Article Writing Secrets are here: get them now and profit today!

Wealthy Affiliate A BIG Scam?

Is Wealthy Affiliate a SCAM? Is Wealthy Affiliate the best place on the net to learn how to market and make some extra cash? Can you make a living working from home with the techniques taught there? Discover if Wealthy Affiliate is a scam in this review.

Out of all the internet marketing sites out there teaching people how to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate is by far the biggest one. Just firing up and checking the traffic ranking you can see that it is ranked insanely high at a whopping 6,000! This means that out of all the billions of websites out there in the world, it is the 6,000th most popular...not a small feat to accomplish!

But just because Wealthy Affiliate gets a lot of traffic doesn't mean that it necessarily produces a great service, right? Well I've been a successful member for well over a year now and I'm going to tell you a little about what you get access to when you're a member.

Before I joined Wealthy Affiliate (W.A.) I knew absolutely NOTHING about internet marketing. I really had no clue about how to setup a proper website, or how to drive buyers to my site. What they do at W.A. is take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process of making your first sale online and then take you way beyond that.

At Wealthy Affiliate you'll find every single tool you need to go from complete beginner or intermediate marketer, to being in complete control and making great money online.

As a member you get access to over 50 tutorials covering every internet marketing topic as well as video demonstrations, keyword tools, website hosting (worth the price alone), and most importantly one-on-one training with the creators, Kyle & Carson. The creators of W.A. are expert marketers and they are extremely helpful. You can message them anytime you have a question about something. Also, the W.A. forum is also an amazing resource and you can talk with all types of people from beginners, to full-time marketers.

So what can being a member of Wealthy Affiliate do for you? Well I'm proud to say that my story ends with me quitting my day job less then a year after joining and I am now earning a full-time income from the comfort of my own home.

But am I special? Am I a "master internet marketer"...? No, not at all. I'm just your average Joe (ahem, Robert lol) but I do truly believe that these results are completely achievable by anyone who is willing to learn and work a little.

I highly recommend that you take my free detailed video and picture tour to learn more about exactly what's included with Wealthy Affiliate Click Here...

Who may be an amazing internet just don't know it yet!

Article Marketing - Why I Use Article Marketing To Generate Avalanches Of Leads

If you are doing any kind of article marketing now, you might be doing one of the following:

- promoting affiliate products to make commissions

- promoting your own sales page to sell products

- promoting a so-called Made-For-Adsense blog

- posting articles on your own blog to generate content

And I'll probably get 'killed' for saying this, but your articles are getting wasted.

Very few, and I mean very few, use article marketing solely to build a list. And lots of money is being left on the table, I'm afraid to say.

I basically do all the steps in Bum Marketing (the term created by Travis Sago to describe article marketing) but the difference is I promote a squeeze page to collect leads. The only way anyone can get extra information from me is if they enter their name and email address. I figured, if someone is not willing to give me those details, what more actually paying me online? Let's face it: we are running a business here, not a charity.

The reason why this is effective is because someone who likes your article is 'warmed up', he will want to get more information from you, and an email newsletter is the perfect way to do that.

So go and build a list with your articles. Write and submit multiple articles daily to top directories, and you will see floods (and I mean floods) of traffic and leads. Your lead generation will practically receive an instant boost. Your business will be given a positive kick up the rear from the results you get.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Great Ways to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you currently using article marketing but can't seem to get the result you were hoping for? Do you often wonder what it takes for you to improve your article marketing technique? Are you clueless as to why your articles are not getting enough clicks? Well, it's time for you to energize your article marketing campaign by following these 4 great ways:

1. Improve your titles. If your clickthrough rate is not that impressive at all, I bet there is something wrong with your titles. That means that your headlines are not well-written to attract online users to open your articles. To remedy this, make use of titles that can effectively communicate the summary of your articles and the benefits that readers can get once they open and read them. It would also help if your titles are keyword-rich and direct to the point.

2. Improve the quality of your articles. Make sure that your articles have better sentence constructions, free from grammar and spelling errors, and written in a logical manner. You will also need to make them "meatier" by including more interesting facts and data that are usually searched for by your target market.

3. Write more articles. Perhaps your articles are great but if their quantity is relatively small, you will not definitely get impressive traffic. To maximize the benefits you can get from article marketing, you have to make sure that you write and submit more articles on a regular basis. Remember, each submission grants you one quality inbound link.

4. Optimize your articles. If your articles are well-written and are of high-quality and still they are not being read, perhaps they are very difficult to find online. To make your articles searchable, make it a habit to use relevant keywords on your copies.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Intermediate Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Content-based marketing solutions are taking the internet by storm because they offer people the hottest commodity online - information. One of these solutions that is widely used by billions of marketers is article marketing or the process of writing and distributing your articles online to position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche and earn unlimited quality inbound links for your website.

Here are the 4 intermediate ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Submit only original articles. If there is one golden rule in article marketing, it would be to never copy somebody else's work. Remember, you are trying to establish your specialized knowledge so you can win the trust of your potential clients. That would never happen if you are stealing somebody else's ideas.

2. Don't advertise on your content. Although it is recommended to pick topics that are related to your offerings, it is a no-no to directly pitch in your products on your articles. Instead, fill your content with valuable information that will be useful to your readers and save your sales pitches for your resource box.

3. Optimize. Give your articles an edge by making them highly searchable online. You can easily do so through the use of keywords and popular search terms on your content.

4. Empathize. As a marketer, you always need to find effective ways on how you can build rapport with your readers so you can easily convert them to potential clients. One of the proven ways in doing this is by showing empathy through your content. Let your readers know that you know where they are coming from and that you have the best solutions to help them resolve their pressing issues. By doing so, your readers will consider you as a trustworthy individual who is after their welfare and not just another marketer who is just after their money.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - What Is The Magic Number Of Articles To Be Successful?

This is a question that I get asked many times by people. How many articles do I need to write to be successful with article marketing. Now let us look at some key considerations that are important to be successful with this method of marketing.

When you are first starting out it is going to be difficult to write one article a week. For most people writing does not come easily. So it is very important that you focus on doing one article a week. Once you become good at this you can increase this number to two a week.

Over time you will become very good at writing at you will be able to write five articles a day. Then you can gradually increase this and you will be writing ten articles a day.

So back to the original question. How many articles should you have written to start seeing measurable results. You need at least two hundred and fifty articles to start seeing good results and determine if you are progressing with your article marketing. If you were thinking of only writing a few articles sorry to disappoint you.

So what is the magic number of how many articles that I need to write? You need to write as many as possible. You see the more articles you have in distribution with the article directories the higher the number of readers of your articles. This equals more subscribers and more paid customers. Knowing this information once you become good at writing you may want to write at least ten articles a day.

Hopefully this information will motivate you to write more articles so that you can increase your business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - Using Other People's Web Sites to Market Your Articles

Do you know how to market your articles on other people's websites? You will after you read and use this article.

I have found that one of the greatest advantages of marketing your articles on other people's websites is that you reach people he never could have reached by yourself.

Marketing your articles on other people's websites is one of the purposes of the article directories. This is one of the reasons you want to do good research on the Internet and find out what other web sites might be able to use your articles.

You can go to Google or Yahoo or your favorite search engine and type in your keywords. Then you want to pay attention to the sites that come up first. You can see which ones might be a fit for you and work out some kind of arrangement with them.

All you have to do is send an e-mail to whoever runs this site let them know you have enjoyed their website and would like to contribute an article or two. Once you have done this you can let them know that there are a whole lot more articles where these first ones came from.

Whether you contact these other websites yourself or they have picked up your article on their own, these are great websites to begin to build relationships with. I can think of at least two websites with very high traffic that regularly use my articles because of the relationship I have developed with them. Both InteractiveDad and KidsGrowth reach hundreds of thousands of readers that I would not have been able to reach on my own.

That's the power of using other people's websites to market your articles.

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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

5 Essential Elements for Effective Marketing

The purpose of marketing is to ultimately generate sales. Whether you are building a brand or coordinating a one time sale, it is important that you cover all the bases to be effective. If you are selling a product or a service, on the web or over the counter, the five essential steps for effective marketing is a check-list to make sure that you are maximizing the return on your efforts.

1. Features
Define the features of the product or services that you are promoting. Be specific, concise and accurate in your summary of the features. Imagine that you are developing your list of features like the list of ingredients for the side of a cereal box, or the list of hardware requirements for a software application. The list of features should be easy to locate and easy to understand. The list of features should not be flamboyant or contain promotional puffery. It should be concise and contain substantive information. Demonstrate respect for your customers time by being direct and easy to understand.

2. Advantage
Identify at least one, but no more than three, key advantages of the product or service that you want to promote. Unlike the list of features, statements of advantages are intended to generate excitement. The advantages are typically a subtle comparison between the before and after, or a comparison to competition. Do not disparage the competition. If you are effective in stating your advantages, the customer will make their own conclusions. Some examples of phrases used in identifying advantage are fewer calories, every day low prices, longer lasting, less filling and fresh scent. These advantages may or may not be the related to the primary features or functions of your product or service, but the advantages can set you apart.

3. Benefit
It is important to identify the customer value to be realized by the advantages of your product or services. The list of features details the item. The advantages identify why yours is superior. The benefits statement makes it personal. In some cases the benefits may be implied, For example, fewer calories implies weight loss, an obvious benefit for many customers. If the customer benefits are not inherently obvious, then it is good practice to state the benefits. This is especially true if you are selling services. For example, help the customer identify that training and educating employees may result in benefits like better sales or increased productivity. Keep the customer perspective, You can buy at low prices here is better than I can sell to you at low prices.

4. Image
If your marketing includes advertising or web content, it is extremely important to use appropriate images. The text of your marketing material creates an impression and an emotional response. The images or pictures used in your marketing will be remembered. To be highly effective, use images that portray your product or service with complimentary text (features, advantages and benefits). Some common mistakes are not including a picture of the product, or using cartoons in conjunction with professional services. An effective method is to use pictures that convey lifestyle associated with your product. For example, pictures of athletes for sport drinks, cityscapes convey large scope, images of people enjoying the use your product. Proper use of images can gain immediate attention and make a lasting impression.

5. Offer
Also commonly referred to as the call to action, make sure that your marketing material entices the customer to follow-up by asking for the sale. Effective Offers typically include a price, a place to purchase, and a compelling reason to act now. Limited time promotions, coupons, while supplies last and for a limited time only are compelling reasons to take advantage of the benefits promptly. Your marketing material may be your one opportunity to reach that customer, so use it wisely and ask for the sale.

Make a personal checklist and review your marketing material, brochures, ads and web content. Once you have reviewed your own materials, compare to your competition and commercials to see who is using the Five Essentials to Effective Marketing. Once you have successfully covered all of the bases, you will see your marketing efforts and web site transform into self-fulfilling sales.

For more suggestions on marketing, leadership, management skills and organizational development, please visit Executive Blueprints and the Institute for Advanced Leadership

John Mehrmann is President of Executive Blueprints Inc., an organization devoted to improving business practices and developing human capital. provides resource materials for trainers, sample Case Studies, educational articles and references to local affiliates for consulting and executive coaching.

Best Article Marketing - Latest 4 Compelling Methods to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

More and more marketers are using article marketing as their primary promotional tool making the online competition in getting people's attention much stiffer. If you would like to get ahead of the pack, these 4 compelling methods will help you supercharge your marketing efforts:

1. Focus on topics that are relevant to your target niche. If you are selling cars, writing articles about making money online might drive traffic to your website, but it will not be targeted. Meaning, you will have visitors that are not interested on what you offer and will not buy your products. To increase your sales potentials, talk about topics that are related to your target niche and focused on the needs of your potential audience. By doing so, you will not only augment your profits, but you will also be able to distribute valuable information to your target market.

2. Distribute your articles. Submit your articles to submission sites and directories. Pick the ones that are indexed by major search engines and have steady traffic. These are the sites that are frequented by online users and other webmasters who are looking for content to be republished.

3. Optimize your articles. You would want to drive search engine traffic to your website to augment your sales potential, right? You can do so by optimizing your content and sprinkling relevant keywords all throughout your articles. Just make sure that your keywords sound natural so you can still keep you content reader-friendly.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use 3 hyperlinks on your resource box. Take advantage of this and put in URLs that will take your readers to your squeeze page, product page, or main website. The more URL you use, the better your chances of improving your conversion rate.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Improving search engine rankings is important for any blogger who is interested in maintaining a successful blog and increasing the traffic to their blog. However, with different search engines using different algorithms for this purpose, there is no easy solution to optimizing a blog for all the different search engines. These few search engine optimization strategies that can be useful for helping you optimize your blog with most search engines.

The Significance of Keywords

Using relevant keywords in blog posts is one of the simplest and most commonly used techniques for optimizing search engine rankings. However, bloggers disagree on the best methodology for using keywords in order to optimize search engine rankings. Some bloggers believe in creating high keyword densities by using plenty of keywords. However, others argue that relevant placement of the keywords is more important and the best strategy is to use lower density of keywords while paying more attention to the placement of the keywords. Still other bloggers believe that the content of the blog is more important and using keywords naturally in the flow of the blog is a more effective way of being picked out by search engines.

Whichever keyword technique a blogger chooses to utilize the fact remains that all bloggers benefit by researching and using relevant keywords. Merely having a blog that pertains to a niche subject is not enough. It is equally important for bloggers to be aware of the search terms that Internet users typically employ when researching this particular subject. The good news is there are several programs available that help by generating several related keywords that can be incorporated into the blog.

Generating Favorable Back Links

Several search engines rank sites taking into consideration the volume of back links pointing to a website. What's more important, they also consider the quality of the websites that are providing these back links. What this means that websites that are ranked higher are considered more valuable by search engines and websites that receive back links from these high ranking web sites are regarded more favorably as compared to websites that get back links from lower ranking web sites.

Some search engine algorithms also take into consideration whether back links are reciprocated or not. Back links that are not reciprocated are considered more favorably. Back links that are generated from link farms and link exchanges are considered worthless and do nothing to influence search engine rankings.

Using Images to Improve Search Engine Rankings

One of the search engine optimization aspects that are often overlooked by bloggers is placement of pictures on their blogs. This is mainly because bloggers mistakenly believe that search engines do not view pictures. Search engines work by viewing the information that is provided in the image tags. By employing the image tags to provide relevant keywords, bloggers can boost their search engine rankings significantly.

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Article Marketing Success - Six Secrets To Creating Fantastic Titles

While there may be some truth to the old adage that you cannot judge a book by its cover, you certainly can judge on article on the Internet by its title. With this in mind, if you are keen on achieving article marketing success, you will want to come to utilize the six secrets to creating fantastic titles for your articles.

• Keep your titles simple. Do not clutter your titles up with unnecessary words.

• Use the least complex words in your title. Do not use million dollar words when simple ones will do.

• Make sure your titles do not contain grammatical errors or typos. You would be utterly surprised about how common these mistakes are when it comes to Internet copy and content.

• If you are writing search engine optimized copy, you will want to make certain that you utilize appropriate keywords and keyword phrases in the titles to your articles themselves.

• Do not be "cute or clever" when it comes to writing titles for your articles as part of your article marketing efforts. What might seem to be cute and clever to you very well may awful to a potential reader. You might completely turn someone off before they've even read a single word of your article.

• With the last point in mind, it can be helpful to have someone else read your title (as well as your article for that matter) before you make the article available publicly. Such a person may be able to point out flaws in your article that you were unable to catch or notice on your own.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Stop Committing These 10 Common Viral Marketing Mistakes

Unsuspecting computer users consider themselves to be doing favors for their friends with whom they are sending these referrals, but they are not the only ones jubilant with their discovery. They do not exactly feel it, but they are part and parcel of the mechanism which makes viral marketing promote and increase website visits like luscious pancakes.

Viral marketing is currently being used by most online business people because it works. Who would pass up the opportunity to have a website endorsed exponentially by all its users and viewers? However, not all viral marketing ploys work. Before you concoct your own viral marketing portal, here are a few basic things you need to avoid.

1. General Unhappy Perspective-- One cannot do viral marketing without having a good dose of confidence that it will actually WORK. Even if you don't communicate that directly to your marketing ploys, a disbelief for whatever you have set out to do has already started to sabotage your attempts.

2. Not-So-Viral Marketing-- You need to be very competent or at par with other websites in viral marketing. Study other existing excellent viral marketers online and see what makes them secure the top spot. Timing is essential. Your viral marketing can backfire if you do it without researching first on your target groups and executing your moves in an unproper time. Conditioning is just as essential as the actual marketing itself.

3. The WIIFM (What's in it for Me) Factor is Missing-- Most people are encouraged to refer to friends only if they have something to get out of it. Some viral marketers forget this very important thing. Giving out rewards or incentives can boost or motivate every visitor to pull more people in. Watch out for the extremes of giving too many rewards, though. It must boost and not take the limelight off the main concept.

4. Marketing without Asking-- Some websites employing viral marketing techniques forget to let the customers interact. Javascripts are useful tools.

5. Giving up the first time-- Some users tend to get irritated the first time they receive recommendations from friends. People behind viral marketing fail to anticipate this and end up giving up on what could have been a most promising buyer.

6. Too Many Details--This is a common and often commited mistake! No one would want to hang around that long just for one offer. There are other websites which would be less concise and yet drive the point home with pizzazz that yields a lasting impression. Time is not just gold in viral marketing. It is everything. The fact that a person is surfing the Internet for information already communicates that he or she is already trying to save time by retrieving information in the fastest possible way. If websites offer good products but takes forever to load or for one reader to get to the bottom of the page, it still would not be worth his time or looking effort, for that matter.

7. Hoops and Hurdles in Transactions-- Related to the mistake above is the transaction hurdle itself. Given that you have already convinced or gotten a buying signal from a customer, if the whole process is tedious and hard to follow, it will most likely dropped by the customer. No one would want to buy or refer something which is too intricate or complicated.

8. Lack of Uniqueness and Follow-up-- Viral marketing needs to be continuous and not just a one-time big-time shot, and it must not merely duplicate what is already available with other competitors. There must be something unique about the offer, and at the same time, you must have a line of products prepared after the first purchase, in order to experience the long-range effects of viral marketing.

9. Forgettable By Clicks-- Some viral marketing websites do not make use of javascripts. A user or viewer may easily be distracted by other links within the page and click it in the middle of his or her evaluation of your offer. It may be an affiliate website or an outside link, but it totally diverts the attention off your product and may lead him away from your page.

10. Lack of Assurance in Privacy-- Privacy concerns are also important for every person who wants to take part in the process of viral marketing. Asking for referrals without making any assurance that the personal information to be given will be kept confidential and not forwarded to other websites makes a person think twice before typing up those email addresses.

After learning the abovementioned viral marketing boo-boos it will be definitely easier to work out your viral marketing campaigns.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

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Affiliates - Increase Your Income with Article Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative and successful online income resources that exist. Most great affiliates have researched many different ways in which they can be successful with their affiliate marketing. This is how they are successful, in fact. Keeping up with an ever-changing market can be tough and sometimes frustrating, but in order to earn a real income as an affiliate, it is necessary. As an affiliate, have you ever considered article marketing? As one of the best ways to generate traffic and build lists, this is a great thing to couple with affiliate marketing.

Article marketing is when you submit your own unique, quality, and keyword-rich articles to article marketing directories like Ezine Articles or Article Feeder. The articles would have to do with the product or service that you are offering, and may outline the benefits or the reasons to purchase this product or service. The best way this is accomplished is with a freelance writer or ghostwriter who can create this article to be subtle but have it speak to potential customers. These articles are published under a corresponding category, and when people search for keywords that are placed in the article, yours pops up. Of course, in order for your article to be displayed with the search results, several things must be accomplished.

First of all, there has to be a correct amount of SEO within the article. Of course, this means keywords. The proper keyword density is around 3 to 5%. When more than this is added, the search engines consider the article to be keyword stuffed, which is pretty much another term for spam. The article also has to flow well in order to interest the readers, and contain enough information for them to trust you and consider you an expert in your niche. After they read the article, they will see your author byline, which will include a call to action and a link to your website. Ideally, if the article is good, they will click on the link, already prepared to purchase a product or service from you. At the very least, you should be able to have them sign up for a free newsletter or something similar so that you can build your list.

Article marketing can be very effective for affiliate marketers in order to boost their business, create more customers and sales, or build their contact list. It is a great addition to the other types of marketing in which affiliate marketers have become proficient. The credibility it creates for you will simply build your reputation as an expert within your niche, and this is great for your career. If you are skilled in SEO and the subtleties of article marketing, try your hand at it today. If you're not, find a great ghostwriter or freelance writer to craft your articles for you! Utilize the tips and ideas within this article to help you get your article marketing campaign started, and increase your affiliate marketing business. Good luck on your journey to great success!

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2 Powerful Methods To Profit From Resell Rights Products!

There are many different Internet marketing available. While it's good to diversify, you must be careful because information overload can hurt you. A common Internet marketing sub niche is resell right products.

Basically, you purchase the rights to a product, and then you sell the rights to sell them to other marketers. It becomes your own product that you can sell instantly.

There are several ways to make money from these products. In fact, the techniques you are going to discover can be applied to any of your own product or service.

1. Upsells

Whenever someone buy from you, be sure to allow him to buy something else at a discounted price. Many people make a confusion between an upsell and a backend.

An upsell is a related product sold at the point of purchase. On the other hand, a backend will be promoted after the purchase.

One of my online business coaches advise to present an upsell that cost 10 times more the cost of the entry product. Of course, you need to test the price. Most of the time, you will find that a higher price point outperform the lower.

2. Repackaging

You can add your resell right into a package or home study course. Just be sure that the owner gave you the right to do so.

You could also add it in your membership site. In fact, I am doing this right now. I am not that good at videos, and custom videos cost $200 to $300. What I do is researching for video on the net. They are professional and relatively cheap.

These two methods will work for your own products as well. As I stated above, be sure to revise your license agreement to be sure that don't violate the terms.

To learn more about how you can master niche affiliate marketing, please visit his website today to start right away

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful niche marketing plan right from the start.