Marketing Plan

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing - Mom's Thrive Working From Home By Marketing Better

Every once in a while, you find another little gold nugget, that although small, may add significant value to your future. What does that mean? It means, that the more article marketing I do, the better I can see the clear path that you, as a marketer, should be trying to create so your customers can find you, and clearly be able to differentiate between you and your competition.

If nothing else, the fact that you have made the path so easy to find and follow, will get you business that others won't get because their prospects will lose their way before ever getting a chance to buy from them.

I am going to pick a product that is commonly sold through affiliate marketing to give you an example. For this example, you are selling web hosting. If you are an affiliate marketer, and your supplier has done their job, they have kept up with the changes and current demands of the customers of today.

For example, you may want to find a web hosting company that has *cpanel* as their control panel, and *fantastic-O* functionality. This is a combination that better supports WordPress templates and plug-ins. In this example, the web hosting company has already explained in their sales letter that they offer this service, and why they offer this service and how this differentiates them from their competition. But, most importantly, how this service impacts the buyer, and why it matters to them.

With those two pieces in place, this is how you make yourself out to be a genius in your article marketing. You write an article on how to get your blog better ranked in the search engines. You explain that first you have to find a hosting company that offers these items, and then you go on to explain how if they use this process with a WordPress theme template and the proper keywords, they can expect faster recognition and ranking by Google and the other search engines.

If a person is serious about wanting to improve their marketing they could have a link in their resource box. From there one could either get a more detailed report on how this process works, with examples of key words and ranking that they can currently check out for themselves. There would also be a link to the affiliate page that you were given by the web hosting company. Or you could (less effectively) just put your url that is forwarded to the affiliate link in your resource box.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - How to Market Your Online Business with Articles

You've probably seen the content. It appears redundant, but each time you read something, you learn another something new. It isn't the content, it's perception. Each writer offers unique and valuable perceptions to their content. Do you have a different perspective? You have a responsibility to share your perspective and profit from that. Let me show you how.

1. Article Marketing

Write articles about your business information, providing content to ezine publishers over the Internet while you offer links that bring those readers back to your website, marketing your products. Think of all the interesting facts about your products. Use those facts to share your product information with your readers. Advertize in your articles by adding a high-impact power-charged resource box at the end of your article.

2. Content Presentation

Find ways to produce and promote content on the internet. If you publish an ezine, post it on your website with links to your products. Offer information about what you sell and give your readers a chance to know you and find you with content that talks about your products. Give value and keep them coming back. No matter what kind of products you have, if you provide up to date news and information about that product, you're ahead of the info marketing game.

3. Info Product Development

Develop info products within your market and promote them as a product you sell or give away from your website. The Info Product can be as short and sweet as a simple report, offering details of how to use your product, a booklet of suggested uses, or a long and detailed manual of how your product can impact the life of the reader. You choose, because you're the writer.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Article Marketing - How To Fail In 1 Day

Article marketing can be an easy task to fail it. It really can be. So to help you avoid these simple pitfalls, here is a guide to help you in your article marketing.

How to fail at article marketing in one day!

  • You write only one article and think that only that one article is going to get you the major amounts of traffic. This is not true! Just writing one article isn't going to get you anywhere! If your just going to write one article, there will be no point in your article marketing. Your article will most likely, not even appear in search engine rankings.
  • Putting in different sets of keywords in your articles will not get you anywhere. When writing keywords, you should be using the same keywords. This is the best way to dominate your competition, but people don't seem to do it.
  • Writing one whole paragraph and calling it an article. Your readers don't want to read one long paragraph. They don't want to take their time reading something that's going to be confusing and long. By simply breaking up your article into paragraphs, you can get your readers attention and actually get them to click on your URL link.
  • Not putting your keyword in your articles title. This is a great way to get your article a higher page ranking. It's simple to do. Just input your articles keyword into the first three words of your title. This gives you high page rankings, making it easier for your viewers to actually view your articles.
  • Duplicating content and then submitting it. Duplicated content do not get indexed into search engines. The only way that can get indexed, is if they get more inbound links than the original and other duplicates. This is a much harder task than by just simply writing your own unique article!
  • Not writing 10 articles a day. By just simply writing a small amount of articles a day, you get more publicity and you get better at writing your articles!

Try your best to avoid these simply mistakes! Avoid them, and your article marketing will vastly increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing - First 5 Steps of Article Marketing For Profit

First thing first, you need to find out the niche in the market which you could target. What you must understand is that it is always more profitable to target a niche that is tight. The tighter the niche, the more profit you could expect per subscriber and vice versa. This also means that if you have a broad market, you should be able to break down it into smaller and tighter niche markets and prepare individual lists accordingly.

The articles that you choose to write must be on topics that people want to read on. It should be able to look attractive to people who are your target consumers for your niche.

It is always a good idea to have articles that are search engine optimized. You would also do well to submit your articles to different online article directories. Your articles must be search engine optimized and articles should be submitted to the top three online article directories depending on search traffic and page rank.

And yes, you should be able to write prolifically. There are very few people online who have been able to earn full time income with the help of article marketing. You would have to make some effort to join that exclusive club.

Build an opt-in email list right from the very beginning. The ones who fills your subscription form after reading your article would surely be highly targeted subscriber and you could always use such lists to make some profit.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Secrets of Article Marketing

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 3 Amazing New Ways to Advance with Article Marketing

If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is currently the best product and website promotional tool in the internet today. It is one of the most used marketing methods as it is relatively easy to maintain, it is cost-effective, and it never fails to bring favorable results to marketers.

If you have been using this technique and would want to improve the benefits you are getting from it, these 3 amazing new ways will help you advance with article marketing:

1. To increase your click through rate, improve your titles. Make them emotionally and logically-charged so online users will be compelled to open and read your articles. Use simple, action verbs that are proven to subtly move people to act on your favor.

2. To increase your reader base, improve your content. People would always want to read articles that are compelling, interesting, useful, and packed with valuable information. When you are able to present them with these kinds of articles, they will not only support your other articles but they will most likely recommend you to their friends and family members. Strive to make your content quality, beneficial, and easy to understand so you can easily expand your reader base.

3. To increase your conversation rate, improve your resource box. The only way to drive online users to your website is by presenting them with a compelling resource box. So, what makes a resource box enticing or compelling? It must be short, uses powerful words to drive online users to click on your website's URL, and it must contain a "bait". A bait is simply an incentive that your potential clients can get once they visit your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Strategies Revealed

Article Marketing has emerged very fast as one of the best methods to design a successful business online, especially when your resources are limited.

Take care to maintain the quality of your write-ups. If you need to successfully come up with a sound article, you must write only good quality articles that readers will be eager to check out all through.

One of the major features of your article should be the title. Think carefully about a title that will grab the attention of your readers immediately. Your title is the marketing tool for your article. More often than not, your article will be indexed together with a bunch of other articles. Generally people skim through the titles only of the articles and decide by that which one to read up. If your article begins with an interesting title then more and more readers will get hooked to it. If your title is boring and uneventful, few people will stop by read your write-up.

A good introduction to your article shows the quality of the rest of the article. Inform the reader what is in your article for them and how they will benefit from reading it.

When the introduction is over, come to a new paragraph and then start the main body of your article. Divide it into separate paragraphs from every point you want to talk about. Having paragraphed points makes it comfortable to the eyes and mind to grasp the meaning of them and makes for an attractive presentation. The main gist of this paragraph should contain between three and ten points that you wish to cover. It is not necessary to cover all the points that you are aware of on the subject.

End the article with as good a conclusion as the introduction. Review the points you discussed in the foregoing paragraphs and the benefits they will receive if they follow your suggestions.

When the article is all done and ready, scan it through a spelling and grammar checker so that before submitting your article you are sure that your article is perfect which will save you the time to laboriously go through each and every word for manual confirmation.

Not much is needed to get started with article writing and probably by now you already possess the fundamental tools that are needed. This can result in a profitable online business when approached in the correct fashion. Many easy steps are out there to open the avenues for striking business opportunities through excellent articles.

You can begin by offering your articles for sale. Several blogs, websites, and news sites regularly need new articles for content. You can consider writing articles on subjects you are competent in and sell them to blog owners and web masters. However, it is obvious that the articles you write should confirm to certain quality standards if you wish to sell them at the price your article deserves. If you are the owner of your own website or blog you can show your articles there also. There is no alternative to latest and fresh content and hence new material will always keep your website or blog relevant.

If you have some knowledge about Search Engine Optimization or SEO then it will be an added advantage for you because the more traffic your website or blog attracts through your articles the better for you. You should learn the fundamentals of search engine optimization in terms of keywords and keyword density.

Truly speaking, it is very much possible to succeed in online writing and marketing articles. Your effective online business is only a stone's throw away. Start writing quality articles now and you are on your way to a successful internet business.

For more information on article marketing and other internet marketing strategies visit

Article Marketing - Uncover 4 No-Brainer Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

There are millions of people who are making huge money through article marketing. They use this off-page SEO solution to either generate massive traffic to their sites or promote affiliate products for commission. This is also the preferred method by marketers when building their email marketing lists and in showcasing their expertise on their chosen field.

1. Improve the quality of your articles. The idea in writing your articles is to have them picked up and republished by webmasters so you can easily multiply the number of inbound links for your website. If you are targeting massive distribution, your articles must be well-written, offers valuable information, and useful to your target niche.

2. Multiply the number of your articles. Just like quality, the quantity of your articles is one crucial element that can guarantee you success. Every time you submit an article, you obtain one quality inbound link for your website. The more links you generate, the more quality traffic you can attract to your website. The better the traffic, the more online revenue you can generate.

3. Learn the basic of SEO. Article marketing doesn't require you to learn complicated HTML codes or programming languages just to have a better page ranking. However, it is crucial that you know how to pick and position relevant keywords and key phrases on your articles so they can be easily indexed by search engines.

4. Choose the best article submissions sites. Not all publishing sites are created equal. Some of them are not even indexed by Google. Identify the sites that are highly visited and can give your articles greater chances of being massively distributed.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Niche Marketing the Right Way!

Niche marketing is hot these days. Membership sites pop up everywhere inviting you to make tons of money. All you have to do is find or buy the highest paying Adsense ads and add them to your pages filled with automatically generated content.

That's NOT niche marketing, that's Adsense marketing. It's a numbers game and it's dangerous. I'll explain that below.

How did this so called Niche Marketing develop? Solid niche marketing advice already existed for some time. Very often you were advised to follow your passion or expertise and set up a site for that.

Then, RSS feed techniques lead to software programs that scrape content from directories. You have to do absolutely nothing but entering a bunch of keywords and presto ... thousands of new content rich pages are automatically added to your niche site.

And when Joel Comm presented his Adsense Secrets showing how he went from $30 a day to $500 a day - mind you, a good book with solid advice, no doubt about that- suddenly we had three variables that are responsible for the hype:

1. niche marketing,

2. content generating software and

3. high paying Adsense keywords.

Let's have a look at each of these variables in reverse order.

High paying Adsense keywords.

Suddenly someone discovered that there are certain keywords that are of great value. Advertisers paid a lot of money to have their products displayed on pages using these specific keywords. It was said that a keyword like 'mesothelioma' or derivates would pay 50 to 70 dollars a click. I just entered this in Google Adwords, bidding 90$ per click and it returned with an estimated number of clicks per day of 6.2. Now, these figures are just estimates, but if this is true, with a 1% click-thru it means you would have to wait about 16 days to earn my 90 dollars!

Again, just assumptions, I only want to make a point. Adsense is a numbers game. You'll need thousands of visitors AND good click-thru's to make decent money.

To get thousands of visitors you either have to buy traffic (Adwords or other PPC's) or create search engine friendly pages. Now, type in 'mesothelioma' in Google and observe the PageRanks of the resulting pages. PR 5 or higher! Hard job to beat them! That means ... work!

To get great click-thru's you'll have to test where you place your Adsense code. Dang, even more work!

But there's something else, something more important. Read this carefully ...

Do you really believe ...

that advertisers are going to pay that much money only ...

to have their expensive ads displayed on ...

automatically generated content pages?

Huh ... do you ... huh?


There's a fine line you have to follow playing the Adsense game. And generating content automatically, no matter where it comes from, is like walking an elephant over a paper bridge. It kills the system!

Now, let's have a look at ...

Content generating software

I'm sure in the past you have used the search engines to find information about a specific topic only to find that if you click the resulting pages ... you'll see another 'search-engine'-like page.

That was the work of a niche marketer (specific info) scraping search engine result pages (SERP's) with 'page generating software' to quickly generate thousands of pages about the topic.

Search engines don't like that. You see, they are looking for great, valuable and original content. That's what they want to provide to their users so they keep coming back.

And here's another biggie ...


The last thing they'll need is another copy of their own pages. And that's exactly what this software will generate.

Mind you, the software IS good, it does exactly what it promises. I've used one of these packages long time ago and that one certainly DID work.

But this kind of software also leaves fingerprints for the search engines who are getting smarter all the time. Eventually they will discover automatically generated content, ignore these pages of even penalize them. That's why I stopped using such software long, long time ago.

The only way to use this kind of software in a responsible way is to change the templates that come with the package. And to do that right means ...

(a lot of) work.

And that's something that wasn't included in the deal!

These days this strategy has changed into scraping articles from directories. All you have to do is enter a keyword and presto ... an article containing that keyword is placed in your page.

That won't work either and for the same two reasons: fingerprints and copies.

Search engines don't like duplicate content and that's exactly what this software generates.

The latest trick is software that uses a thesaurus to change article content on the fly. Apart from copyright issues, I've seen results of that and they were just hilarious.

If you want to use reprint articles for keyword rich content, you have to at least add some unique content to the page. You could write a review or your own opinion telling what you think is good and bad about the article that you posted below.

Dang, work again!

Publishing a reprint article every now and then won't hurt you, but it does when you do nothing else. And the article content better fit well into your pages and even into your site. If it's way of topic, you won't get far.

Here's a great tip: find unique Public Domain Software! Go here:

Now, let's go down to the core of the business ...

Niche Marketing

Let's define a niche first:

A niche is just a tiny, (highly) specialized marketplace.

A marketplace means that there's demand and supply. Basically there are two ways to enter a niche:

1. follow your passion (supply) or

2. follow the money (demand).

If you follow your passion it will be easy to develop content: you're the expert and you do what you love. But you still have to find out if the passion you're following is profitable!

And if you follow the money, you're already on the right track, but you will have a difficult time to develop content. Recently I found one on Ebay. But I didn't do a thing with it. Know why? Cause I don't know squat about millinery! (THERE you have it! a niche market!)

In order to follow the money, you have to develop some ... passion for the niche otherwise you can't fill your site properly.

So, either way you have to do something extra. Now, let's redefine a niche. Let's define a ... profitable niche!

A profitable niche is a highly specialized marketplace with few competitors, high demand and money to pay for that demand.

That's what you have to find out.

"Gheesssss Case, you really make it sound like ... eh ... work!"

Not necessarily.

If you have no idea how to do that, read my article about niche markets.

It's just to give you an idea. Right now I'm working on a special guide on how to find profitable niches, so stay tuned.

If you don't want to do all the work to find profitable niches, just have a look at the 50 hot niches that were selected by niche expert James. B. Allen.

Or, if you act quickly, you can join what looks like a very, very promising and brand new niche site where everything already is done for you called Niche Site Special.

Now, if you really have found your niche and you've found profitable affiliate programs that you can gently pre-sell, then and only then you can consider adding Adsense to your pages. Provided that you deliver unique, high value content! You CAN add some reprint articles, but most of your content should be yours.

And you'd better use a search engine optimized website for that! (Right now I'm developing such a system, so again, stay tuned.)

Bottom line: you still have to do some work or buy the results of such work!

THAT is the right way to perform niche marketing!

Have fun!

Case Stevens

Case Stevens, owner of AnOwnSite Internet Marketing, is experimenting with different marketing techniques, websites, traffic and lead generation. He publishes his experiences in a newsletter featuring understandable, successful low cost Internet marketing techniques, ideas and strategies, articles, news, tips & tricks and interesting (free) downloads.

Subscribe at Affordable Online Strategies

Do Metas Still Matter?

Once the darlings of the search engine spider, the influence of Meta tags vanished completely. This article discusses why and whether they may be making a very weak "comeback."

Meta tags, specifically the "keyword" and "description" tags, are designed to provide quick, thumbnail sketches of a web page's content in order to better classify it. At one time, the meta tags were a key factor in on-page optimization for almost all search engines. That "one time" was around the late 90's. It soon became apparent that a reliance on these tags could be exploited, and exploited it was. Today, after the "fall" of the meta tag, they are making a partial comeback as very low-weight on-page optimization factor.

The influence of the meta tag, especially the keywords, faded away once most major search engines either dropped them entirely from consideration in their algorithms or greatly reduced their weight. This happened in response to the vast amount of meta-spamming that took place once their power was initially discovered. Techniques we all recognize today as blatant keyword spamming were commonplace. Webmasters added completely irrelevant, but highly searched terms (particularly "adult" terms) to a site's meta tags, usually in concert with similar hidden text blocks. These techniques were done only to drive traffic to their sites, highly untargeted and generally unrelated traffic, but traffic nonetheless.

Search engines responded to the problem once they realized their results were no longer relevant. It seems Google completely ignored the meta keywords in response to the blatant spaming. The fall of the meta tags gave rise to a still strong trend today, that of on page text analysis for keywords. Instead of blindly looking at the meta tags to classify a page, search engines turned to the actual content of the page. Text in paragraphs and titles rose to importance, as well as other indicators like text in "alt" tags from images. These factors produced better results for the people using search engines. In theory, the meta tags were a simple, easy way for people to help search engines classify and rank their pages. In practice they were highly abused, as the commodity the search engines provided became very important, especially to the budding ecommerce community.

Today meta tags may be making a quiet comeback. Years have passed since the blatant, irrelevant spamming that caused them to be so thoroughly discredited. With penalties in place, search engines have a way to punish those who would use such techniques. Wise, conservative use of your meta keywords and description tags can only be beneficial. Today the meta description tag sometimes serves as the small page sample Google uses on its result pages.

Like anything concerning search engine optimization, especially Google search engine optimization, make sure your meta tags appear to be as "natural" and "people friendly" as possible. If your description is just a word-for-word rehash of your keywords, that will not look natural, and may be a red flag to a search engine spider. Write out an actual description that a person would be able to read and understand. Use your keywords in the description, but don't repeat them. A single sentence or phrase should suffice, 2 at the most. The description is not a place to put a summary paragraph. The more words your description has the more watered down it becomes to the search engine.

Advice on the meta keyword tag varies a lot, but concentrate on your core keywords/keyphrases, placing the most important ones first and moving through to the least important. Don't use 50 keywords, even if you believe your site does, in fact, address all 50 in perfect detail. Keep the list short, and focused. Twenty is a good maximum, and only if you feel you absolutely must target all 20 keywords. Remember, its difficult to very effectively optimize a single page for more than 2 or perhaps 3 keywords. If you have a large number of them, then consider spreading your optimization efforts out across internal pages for certain topics. You can make these into "landing pages" that are specifically optimized for your secondary keywords. Note I said "landing pages" and not "doorway pages". Doorway pages imply pages targeted to a specific search engine that generally employ spamming techniques. A landing page is a natural part of your existing site, say a section title page, that you perform general on-page optimization on for a subset of your keywords.

Meta keyword and descriptions do not have the power they once did, and they never will. Giving that much weight to such an easily abused page attribute was a mistake the search engines eventually corrected. Today, your keywords and deceptions can provide you some small benefit if they are well crafted and devoid of any spaming techniques. Construct a friendly, natural description and choose your core keywords wisely and your meta tags should help you out, if only a little bit.

About the Author:

Mr. Lester has served for 4 years as the webmaster for and previously worked in the IT industry an additional 5 years, acquiring knowledge of hosting, design, and search engine optimization. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, vps hosting, and web design services to a wide range of customers.

Established in 1999, Apollo prides itself on the highest levels of customer support.

Note: These articles are provided for general interest and content purposes only, and should not be construed as "support" materials. Apollo Hosting does not guarantee the information contained within. All articles are free to reprint so long as they remain unchanged, the "About the Author" section remains, all hyperlinks are preserved, and the rel="nofollow" tag is not added to the hyperlinks.

Basics of Article Marketing

With the current massive growth of article marketing to drive traffic to websites, establish credibility, and to create backlinks for search engine optimization purposes, there are constant queries and/or discussions related to duplicate content. There's no question about the benefits of the small business marketing article and how it can help to position someone as an expert, not to mention help to increase search engine exposure and traffic. Article marketing is the act of writing articles and publishing them online (usually through an article directory or distribution site) to increase Web exposure, search engine ranking and website traffic.

Another way that these types of articles help develop a steady stream of new clients is that when submitted to article directories they help to increase your exposure in the search engines and in turn will deliver even more targeted traffic to your business website. This article highlights reasons why Article Marketing is a good way to consider especially if you are on a tight budget and its ability to send your website continuous targeted website traffic is something that you should consider carefully if you want to use this method of online promotion. One of the best and most powerful ways to drive targeted traffic to your website and to make sales is through Article Marketing.

Most importantly, article marketing is still one of the best ways to drive web traffic to your sites in the viral manner as more and more publishers publish your articles on their sites. An effective article is one that is passed around the internet and appears on many web sites and in ezines. If you write articles that stay on the topic of your site, the page where your article appears is more effective as a page that links back because it is more relevant.

There are a few little changes you can make that will make your links and articles more topically relevant than 90% of other articles, merely because other authors don't think to balance the search engine benefits of article promotion with its value as content, rather than favoring one or the other. When done right, article marketing combines the benefits of public relations, positioning, search engine visibility and branding. So in order to get the most out of your article marketing efforts, remember that you're writing for people first and search engines second.

A third benefit to article marketing is that it helps your visibility in the search engines. I have to wonder how many small article directories hell-bent on the bragging rights that come with search engine prominence, are now throwing in the article marketing towel altogether. There are several benefits to writing and submitting small business marketing articles to article directories on the internet.

Research and construct a list of all the free article directories you can find so that you can simply submit your articles to the sites on your list when you've finished writing. Optimize the Text Naturally: You want your article to pop to the top of a list when someone searches for it - and in search engines. Writing Article Titles for Search Engines Here's the secret: Be sure to include your key search phrases at the beginning of your title.

When it comes to monitoring the success of your article publishing efforts, one of the favorite techniques is to search for your article title, thus discovering which sites used your article, and allowing you to also determine how many of those same sites also include a backlink to your website. But by themselves they don't put money in your pocket - there are a myriad of factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity to increase your income, not just the number of visitors to your site.

So those are just some of the primary benefits of article marketing. The bottom line of small business web site article marketing is to increase your sales and build your customer base. By including article marketing into your multi-faceted marketing and sales plan, you too can achieve success in marketing your book.

Follow these strategies and you will have a sound article marketing campaign. Now that you know why article marketing is king, start writing. Remember, article marketing is not about dispensing information - it's about dispensing helpful information -- and that usually calls for more than 500 or 600 words.

Article marketing revolution. Make money to submit your articles niche and get massive backlinks to your site.

Article Marketing 101 The Whole Thing in a Nutshell

Article Marketing is one of the best ways to bring much needed traffic to a website and we all know that more traffic equals more profit. Perhaps the biggest benefit of article marketing is that the traffic that it generates is highly targeted and highly qualified.

While this type of marketing is hands down one of the top marketing methods I have found that many people I talk to are either unfamiliar with article marketing or are intimidated by it. Read on and I will give you the entire basic strategy in a Nutshell.

Those truly new to article marketing may be wondering why anyone would want their article in the first place. The answer to this is content, content, content. Websites and other publications are constantly on a search for fresh, new content. The only way to keep readers returning is to consistently rotate the content. Article banks and directories fill this need. Webmasters and publishers use the articles as new content.

Article Marketing 101

1.) The first thing that you need to do is begin writing articles related to your business or niche. The article itself is not a sales pitch and should not be written as so. In many cases the article directories my reject an article that is. What you need to do is write 300 450 words which are informative and about your niche.

2.) Decide which of the article banks and directories that you wish to use when submitting your articles. Personally I only use a few and all of them require registration. In my opinion using only registration required directories shows more professionalism. Be sure that you read and abide by the editorial guidelines of the directories. Doing so will save you headaches later.

Take the time to make sure that you are placing your articles in the proper categories. You want targeted traffic to your website. Placing your articles in the correct categories will ensure that any traffic that filters back to your website is highly targeted to the niche that you are working.

3.) The final part of the article is the resource box. It is in this section that you want to lead readers back to your website. Always include your name, a real link ( back to your website, and 3- 4 sentences about yourself and/or your product. Give the reader a reason to want to visit your website

In conclusion please keep in mind that not every article you submit will be published, especially if you do not follow the editorial guidelines. Keep writing and submitting new articles daily. The more articles you get out on the article directories the better. Also keep in mind that article marketing is not an overnight thing. It takes time as do all businesses worth pursuing.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. For more insight and a complimentary report on Article Marketing please visit

Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Priceless Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Anyone who wants to advance online must understand that the hottest commodity these days is information. This is one of the crucial elements that any ebusiness owner or webmaster must offer so they can attract online users to their website. One way to do this is by writing and distributing articles to established and highly visited article submission sites.

Here are the 6 priceless secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Read and understand each submission site's terms of service. Every submission site has its own set of rules and regulations. To make sure that your articles won't be rejected, you must be familiar with each publishing site's terms of service first before you submit your articles.

2. Be familiar with universal guidelines. Though article submission sites have different rules and regulations, all of them have basic guidelines that must be met by article writers. These are: articles must not contain inappropriate content or sales pitch, they must be a least 250 words, they must not exceed 3% keyword density, and they must not have broken links.

3. Make your articles useful. If you want your articles to be widely distributed, they must be able to solve a problem that is being faced by your target market or they must communicate information that is useful to your readers.

4. Be consistent not only in submitting your articles on a regular basis but also in producing quality and informative articles.

5. Write a compelling resource box. To increase your clickthrough rate, you must understand the basic of writing a killer box. It must communicate your expertise, the benefit that readers can get once they click on your website's URL, and a powerful call to action.

6. Monitor your progress. Check how often your articles are being clicked by online users to gauge which articles are performing well. You can then identify the articles that do not fare well online and revise them to improve their clickthrough rates.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

The Ever Expanding World of Google

Literally inside of a garage, Google's humble start in September 1998 has produced a worldwide heavyweight that is unmatched in its quest to lead the way in internet search. Smaller search engines have been pushed to the side and even Google's chief competitors -- Yahoo and MSN -- are becoming bit players. Google's constant quest for improvement and expansion into other areas of web service has been phenomenal. Now, Google is taking on Paypal with its introduction of Google Checkout as mentioned by me in one of my other blogs.

While some are alarmed by Google's continuing fast paced growth, the company is proving that if you offer a better product at a lower price [or for free as in the case of so many of its applications including GMail] then the customers will flock to your store. Indeed, that is what Google hopes that you will do: add one more service and give them one more opportunity to show to you what they really want you to see: ads. Yes, Google's AdWords/AdSense program is so huge that it accounts for virtually all of its revenue. Thus, your using Google Checkout means Google can run ads somewhere, some place in hopes that you will click through and ring up the $$$ that will ultimately find their way into the company's bottomline.

Ingenious, isn't it? You bet. Now if Yahoo and MSN can ever figure out what hit them, we may get some real competition in the mix. Paypal/eBay must be worried, but don't expect them to stand still either. It gets interesting...

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

Search Engine Optimization - What Online Business Owners Need to Know

Search engine optimization is a calculated process designed to make your website search engine friendly. It also strives to increase your website's ranking for a given set of keywords on a search engine results page. Higher rankings equal more visitors to your website.

Search engine optimization includes both organic search results and pay-per-click ad campaigns. Organic results are the rankings given to a website for different keywords based solely on your website's relevance to the keyword phrase entered. Pay-per-click is a paid sponsorship for chosen keywords. A full-service SEO company will handle both aspects of search engine rankings.

An SEO company will also recreate a website to make it user-friendly. If a website is difficult to navigate or holds no real informational value, visitors will not return and search engines will not find your website worthy of higher ranking. An SEO company will focus on your website's


*HTML, including meta tags, title and internal links

*Inbound links and the accompanying anchor text

*Outbound links to other relevant websites

*Search engine-friendly site map

*Pay-per-click ad campaign

*RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed capability

*Selected keywords

*Blog development

*Keyword density and placement

*Content frequency

*Website graphics and 'alt' tags

*Sales copy

*Relevant content creation

It is possible for website owners to perform SEO for their own website if they are willing to invest the time required to learn the principles, write the HTML and revise the website. Link building alone can be a complex process, but with enough determination, individual business owners can do it. Quality information about SEO is available on the Internet for those willing to learn. Most online business owners opt for hiring an SEO company to manage their websites' rankings and development. The process may be costly initially, but the increased profit levels that result from higher rankings will pay for the service as long as the company is selling a quality product or service. Public demand must be present for a product or service to sell. Even the best sales copy cannot provide a sustained profit from a poor product or service.

Choosing a reputable SEO company can be challenging. Be sure to research the company, check with former and current clients if possible and ask to speak with a company representative before agreeing to a partnership. A solid SEO company will have client testimonials, professional recommendations and a money-back guarantee. Be sure to understand all aspects of the agreement and what will be expected of you in the SEO process before signing up. Ask about billing procedures and the company's privacy policy as well. You don't want your website or you e-mail address ending up on a third-party spammer's list.

Choose your company carefully and stay informed during the SEO process. Investing in a quality SEO company is money well spent on your online business.

Mike has been online since 2004 building Multiple Streams of Income He can show you 3 simple steps to build your downline in any of YOUR businesses to massive numbers. Downline Team Building by Profit-Unlimited. Why not allow Mike to introduce you to the #1, Work from Home Online Business Click the link, then confirm the email and receive bonus ebooks including a rebrandable downline builder and access to a free, ready to go website, building your downline in this business and 4 additional marketing programs.

Easily Explode Your Search Engine PageRank With Qassia

Qassia is a recent project that consist simply of equipping marketers online and owners of websites of page rank for its businesses online simply for sharing their information.

This information, denominated Intel, can be any information that you have about anything. It is not necessary to introduce information that is target with your website, affiliate website or business online. You can share any class of information and Qassia in return will provide you with quality Back Links towards your Web site.

This Link, independently of which about the information that you share will be a Link related to the subject of your website or business online.

You will obtain a limitless number of quality back links. You will put the limit with the information proportioned.

Qassia rewards users who add intel in three ways.

  1. Back links You get one back link for every intel that you add. Every intel will be equivalent a direct back link to one of your sites.
  2. Credit, When you add intel, you get credit, its Qassia dollars. Your worth of dollars in Qassia determines the amount of quality back links in the directory.
  3. Revenue When your intel is displayed, you get 100% of the advertising revenue generated by that page. That is not a hype, by the way: Qassia give you ALL of the gross ad revenue. You get 100% of the advertising revenue in the page of your intels. This means that whatever more intels you write more ads will be display and more income you will obtain.

Qassia is fully free and you can to begin it right now. Whatever more intel uploads, higher page rank will get your websites.

Surely you have verified the effectiveness of sites as article directories or press-release but Qassia has advantages still more, you can share any class of information, it ist about upload authoritative articles. Back links which you will obtain will be always quality back links towards websites, in addition all the benefits of your ads on the Intels are for you (i.e. adsense pay to per clicks).

Also you can use your intels in order to promote your affiliate programs or your online business directly.

Qassia is a Intelligence Engine of new generation that would have to be known by any owner of Web sites or blogs. It provides a class of advantages that no other Web site, and everything completely free. You must not wait, join to the Qassia community and takes advantage of all today.

Pablo Molero likes to help others discover multiple ways to make money on the internet. Find out more on how he can help you at

Article Marketing - Steps to Ultimate Article Marketing Success

Article marketing is of course the process of writing informative articles about your niche topic, adding a link to your web site or squeeze page to the article, and submitting the articles to the various online article directories.

One of the most important things to realize is that you should choose a method of article submission are you attempting to create immediate direct traffic by writing a lot of articles and submitting them to the highest-traffic article directories, or are you more interested in writing a small number of articles and submitting them to a large number of article directories, for the purpose of creating massive numbers of backlinks and subsequently search engine traffic to your web site.

So what are your steps to success with article marketing?

1) You must be able to set goals and then follow them through, regardless of whether or not you feel like it. You see, if you want to write 200 articles this month, but do not set a schedule, or require yourself to write when you do not feel well, you will not get to 200 articles this month. If you agree with yourself that you are going to write 10 articles per day, 20 days a month, you have to follow through on that. I find that as simple as this is, it is the number one limiting activity that people do to fail at article marketing.

2) You must learn to write articles quickly. Follow this format: type up 10 article titles before you begin, then under each article title, type in 3 supporting points for each title. Next, all you have to do is teach of explain each of the supporting points, then add an introduction to each one, and presto! you have a set of ten articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Building Link Popularity Strategy Secrets

Building a link popularity strategy these days has become very difficult and time consuming. The search engines have evolved and it is much more difficult to cheat the system that prevents spam websites from appearing at the top of search engines. This has made a successful link popularity campaign a lot more tedious and more work than previously. However, you do not have to be a search engine optimization expert to get good good rankings. Follow these link popularity basics and you will get good search engine rankings over a long period of time.

Google mentions on their site that a link from Yahoo and Open Directory constitutes as a vote of quality as in the Google webmaster guidelines. Get listed in the two most important directories on the web. Google favours older websites and applies a sandbox filter for new sites making it difficult for webmasters to spam the search engine. It can take a new website up to 12 months to rank well in the organic listings. A link from these websites will definitely help new websites to break out of the Google sandbox.

List your website in second tier directories like Best Of The Web,, MSN BCentral and Gimpsy. You can also list your website in a few third tier directories like Joeant and UncoverTheNet.

Do a newsworthy press release to obtain free publicity and get good quality links pointing to your website. You can get good quality free links from PRLeap and I-Newswire. It costs $80 dollars to get a good quality link from PRWeb.

Google trusts Wikipedia even more than Open Directory. Getting a link here will definitely boost your rankings. However if you submit a link for your home page it will very likely be removed and considered as spam. The secret to getting listed in Wikipedia is to have a very professional and informative article on a niche topic. Then in the niche category on Wikipedia you can suggest your article as an external link and you will still find your link in a months time.

Search for popular forums related to your niche. Register for them and create a signature with anchor text based on your keywords. Submit regular informative posts and helpful. You will gain link popularity and people who read your posts will also click on to your website.

Do a search on Google for the top websites for your related niche and get those websites to link to you. On topic links will boost your search engine rankings, but avoid too much reciprocal linking as Google will penalize you.

You can write your way using articles to the top of search engines. Submit your polished article to the major article directories like Ezinearticles, Goarticles, Article Dashboard and Article Alley. You will good quality links pointing back to your website.

Once you put these basics into practice you need to focus for at least a period of 6 to 12 months and you will find that you will start getting top search engine rankings.

Would you like to know more about the techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online. You can also visit his blog Home Based Internet Business

Search Engine Optimization - How To Use Off Page Optimization To Rank Your Website Higher

To rank high in the search engines you will need several SEO techniques.

The two main SEO areas to focus on are "ON page" and "OFF page".

This article deals with Off Page Search Engine Optimization.

Off Page Optimization techniques you can apply to your website are as follows:

Getting inks from other sites with your key phrases. Ideally these links will land on different pages within your site connecting with the same themed content as where the link came from.

Having links from a site that has similar content to yours is ideal. The stronger the match the stronger the link.

When getting links from other sites it is best to make sure those sites linking to you are "trusted" by the search engines rather than coming from low value link farms or penalized websites.

To get links from other sites you can do several of the following things:

Buy links from link brokers. These can be expensive and if they are good quality they will help your site get ranked higher. A PR 6 or PR 7 Link will give you strong value.

Submit articles to good quality article directories like These article directories allow you to link to your site with key word relevant links in the resource box at the bottom of the article.

Other webmasters will pick up the content from resources like this and publish them on themed websites. The article directory itself will publish the article from a high page Rank page when approved. Articles must be of high quality.

You can submit your website to directories and have your website listed in a relevant category. Some like DMOZ are free and have high levels of authority.

Place comments on a blog with high page rank. If you link from blogs to your website from a blog with similar themed content you will get credit for such a link. Remember to link to the correct page on your website that matches the content.

Use your forum signature to link back to your site. When you post in forums you will create links back to your site from relevant content.

Submit articles to other webmasters in your niche. This will provide your website with incoming links with anchor text.

Put a link in the footer of you emails so users can click into your website.

So you can see that off page optimization is mostly about getting links pointing back to your site from quality sources. The links should contain your key words and phrases and point to the correct page within your website.

The more quality links you have coming into your site, the higher your site will rank for the key words you choose.

James Schramko discusses SEO on his Coolest Guy On The Planet Blog and also creates very high ranking XSitePro websites using recently released XSP Cheat Sheet SEO tactics.

Effective Link Building And Web Traffic Generation Techniques

For those who operate online businesses and other advocacy or promotion forums, and are worrying about getting less traffic and interest from online users, they could be wondering about two major aspects:

Either they're wondering how they can increase traffic to their site, or that they don't have much experience, and are giving other inexperienced people advice on increasing traffic. This predicament often leads online entrepreneurs to follow the wrong advice, and then give it to other people. Garnering increased traffic to your website should not be a problem, however it takes considerable time and effort and it won't surely happen if you just sit there and do nothing.

If you've been involved in online promotion or Web site marketing at all, you have probably heard it over again that "content is key." Since we mostly get caught up in the mad rush to promote our Web sites by trading links or submitting to search engines or buying PPC advertising, we can easily forget that nobody will visit our site, or if they do, they won't stay long if we don't have anything helpful or useful for them to watch, read or hear.

Strategies To Building Links And Garnering Increased Web Traffic

- Reciprocal linking. This method refers to the simple exchange of links between websites. A site agrees to place a link on one of its pages in exchange for a link from your site, and the links could either be text or a banner/graphic.

Reciprocal linking can be done thru different methods. One method is to submit your Web site to directories, this is where you pick a top level category and include your Web site and description in there. A popular directory can provide you with targeted traffic, and these directories often come in three forms, which are the free non-reciprocal, free reciprocal or the paid directory.

In a Free non reciprocal directory, you can submit it for free with out needing to link back to them. For Free reciprocal directories, you can submit your link for free, but you will have to have a link from your site to the directory in order to get accepted. Lastly, in a Paid directory, you have to pay either per month/year or lifetime, in order to get your site listed.

- Content linking: In this method, you utilize articles on specific subjects and link from those articles to your site in the form of a resource box at the end of the article. This can be an effective method of one-way linking.

By writing something interesting and informative about your niche and email other bloggers to let them know, there's a good chance they'll also link to you. A good thing to do, is to leave comments on other people's blogs and link back to your site.

Another way of creating better online exposure and letting others know about your site, is to post favorable opinions on everyone else on a popular topic. In addition, posting in Yahoo and Google Groups with a link to your site in your signature, as well as answering questions on Yahoo Answers helps increase awareness of your site.

- Linking Through Social Networks. This is a novel method of creating links from new marketing media such as Facebook, MySpace or social bookmaking sites like A large network of themed bookmarking sites have sprung up in 2007.

Another good method of increasing traffic and creating effective links, is to contact similar sites in your niche asking for a link exchange, which can also provide you with regular targeted traffic. For instance, if you have a site selling unique baby accessories, you may contact sites that sell baby clothes, toys etc and ask to trade links as you can also provide them with traffic. Also ensure that you trade with the right sites that will actually be beneficial to you, as too many outgoing links can have a negative effect on your site. - SEO.xon

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Very Strong Elements to Amplify Your Article Marketing

There are a lot of ways and means that you can amplify your article marketing in order to achieve better results. However, the three elements stated below are exceptionally recommended because of the proven record of success rate that they have brought to many online businesses.

1. Outline your article material to produce a well-structured content. The success of the marketing plan largely depends on the quality of your articles. Therefore, it is essential that you give extra time and effort to make the whole article material worthy of everybody's attention. Make sure that it goes beyond what is acceptable. It has to bear excellence in all aspects: style of writing, grammar, punctuation, quality of information, relevance of the subject matter, and coherence of ideas.

2. Plan your marketing strategies on how you can make these articles be attention-getter. You need to make sure that these highly qualified article materials get the attention of the majority of readers. You can engage into promoting these in some online gatherings and discussions to allow for people to talk about them.

3. Evaluate your articles based on another set of standards - the standards of publishing sites. Make sure that you are able to surpass the common standards set forth by these publishing sites if you want to make sure that your works will be published and promoted.

4. Polish your articles from time to time to make sure that they do not convey the same sets of ideas. People are looking for an exceptional set of information. Thus, you need to make sure that you present fresh, new ideas on every article that you write and post to publishing sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing For Cheap Traffic Results

Article marketing is a cheap way to gain traffic to your website. Although it can be time consuming the results of passive traffic far outweigh the initial effort.

Everyday, there are millions of searches done online by people searching for information on particular keywords in the search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN.

The results shown afterwards are websites with content relevant to the keywords being searched online. As a result, these websites gain search engine traffic through the article content on their websites.

Everyone knows that content is king on the Internet hence article marketing is widely used in almost every website. If you provide good content when you write your articles, you are sure to gain traffic to your website.

You don't have to pay a dime to write articles at all. Of course, if you don't have a penchant for writing articles or you cannot write articles on a certain topic, then you can opt to shell out a bit of money to outsource your article writing.

There are many article writers online who are good at what they do and are willing to write for money.

When you submit you articles to major article directories like EzineArticles, your website gets indexed fast. Visitors reading these articles can then be redirected to your website through your resource box at the end of the articles.

Article marketing is also a good way to build back-links to your website. Imagine this, when other websites retrieve your articles from the article directories, they will pull the whole article out including the resource box and display it on their website hence a visitor coming from their website may just visit yours as well.

Writing articles is also a good way to cement yourself as an authority on the subject. When you write good content and compelling articles, you will gain trust as someone who knows in-dept about the subject you are writing on.

So for cheap traffic results, consider article marketing as part of your marketing efforts.

Remember; only write articles that are useful for the reader as well...

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You may reprint or distribute this article as long as you leave the content, the links and the resource box intact.

Overlooked Little BIG Tips for SEO and Traffic

1. Submit your main website to social book marking places and make your bookmarks public.

So many people with blogs over look this. I know of several websites that have every article on their website social bookmarked, but they forgot to bookmark the most important one, their main page.

These simple bookmark websites on the internet are insanely powerful for traffic. Each bookmark, that is public, will be indexed by search engines, so as a result you will get multiple search engine pages with your website. A very nice side effect of this is that most of the listings will be not be omitted by search engines as other relevant listings; instead you can expect to get multiple listings on a search engine, instead of just one listing, or the indented listing which shows only two links to people searching the web. A good example, if you type in Howbits on google you will see multiple results for my website from other websites, and most are social bookmarking places.

So my recommendations are to come up with a good description about your website, your popular tags, and submit it to social book marking websites. Make sure your profile is shared via public, and not private, I have seen some people go through this process and forget to make their profile public.

On a side note, when you have these book marking websites linking to you, the search engines checks the tags from these websites that you have entered and conclude that since you have the same tags on your website AND on the bookmark to your website, that these tags must be important for your website, so it will give you a increase on keyword ranking in search engines. You can do this for each page on your website that you want traffic to get to.

At the bottom of this post I will put a list of common book marking websites; there are tens of hundreds of websites like these out there. Make sure to utilize them so they work in your favor, this means use good tags, and descriptions.

Authors Note: When I say Social Bookmarking websites, I do not mean websites like Digg, Propeller, Slashdot, etc, only submit articles to these places, submitting just a website will get you banned. Only submit / add your website once to bookmarking websites, not multiple times, there is no gain from this, except a ban. Do not make multiple accounts on these websites and promote and book marked your own stuff with these accounts.

2. Use h1 and h2 headers tag when possible in a page or post

I read a lot of blogs through out the day, and I see people using Bold and Font sizing, over the use of a Header Tags. It seems that so many people don't realize it, but search engines give more weight to what's in between header tags, then what is wrote on the page.

Search engines are getting smarter as the days pass, and how they figure out what content your website has and who they should show your link to, is based on the story you have painted for them. They believe that whatever you type in these tags must be pretty important and relevant to the page / post. So they read and interpret the information between these tags as best as possible and get a good story about what the page is about.

When you use bold and font sizing, well to search engines, this means nothing. Another piece of advice, stay away from using * ! ^ # in these tags, and other random characters. Try not to use empty ranking words like AND, THE, IS, ARE, A, etc, in these titles, they mean nothing to search engines.

3. When using forums, put your Website Address in the signature area and in your profile.

Several forums are searched on a daily basis by search engines and you will end up getting a link to your post, and depending on what you wrote about, people will find it and see a link to your website at the bottom of your post. Most forums do not utilize the nofollow script which prevents rank sharing and BOT searching, which means you will get another link to your website, fairly easy way of getting links.

Words of advice - Don't post spam and junk on these websites and your post will stay a long time, possibly until the website disappears on the internet. One nice benefit about forum use, if you change your website address, just go to your profile change your signature to reflect the new website, and all your old post signatures will automatically update. By the time the search engines come by again, everything is updated and back to getting you traffic and ranking.

A word of advice, if someone tells you to keyword stuff your page above a 8 - 12% keyword ratio, then this person has no idea about SEO. If you hide keywords and use white text on a white background you will get banned from search engines. It may not be today, or tomorrow but it will happen. Now a days keyword stuffing doesn't help, it comes down to the location of the keywords, Header tags, descriptions, Titles, anchor tags to your website, etc, like I said, paint a good picture to the search engines about your website.

I hope this helps people with their websites to get better search engine ranking and ultimately, to get traffic. There is no reason to submit / add your website multiple times, just do it once and thats all.

Some of the Bookmarking websites I use





Google Bookmarks

Yahoo Bookmark







These websites are search and indexed all the time, so don't be surprised if you see your website showing up all over the internet in a few minutes to a couple of hours.

This is a HUGE list of bookmarking websites if you follow this link. If you bookmark your website at only 25 - 30 of them, you will notice a boost to your website ranking and search engine results in a short amount of time.

If you like my Articles, Please visit my Blog at

"Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge." --Mark Twain